Advise our Roadmap
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- Influence strategic direction and product roadmap
- Build relationships with Genesys product decision makers
- Earn GCAP points for every meeting you attend
- Collaborative quarterly meetings (3 online and 1 in-person) with top customers from across the world
- Participate in a private online community for council members
- Have an open channel to global experts in customer experience and contact center management
- Share your company’s strategies and collaborate to create the next level in CX
- Actively participate in online Product Advisory Council forum
- Attend a minimum 50% of the scheduled meetings for the given year
Our mission is to conduct strategic product planning based on real-world experiences, forward thinking, and to build the next generation of world-class Genesys solutions. We need you—your experience, expertise and input—as we set our strategic direction. We invite you to come to the table and make your voice heard!
Members of this council are customers that use our product fearlessly, are forward thinkers, push innovation, and best represent their company's needs, priorities, and directions.
- Who can join? Senior Leaders or Influences, one or two people per organization who ideally have been a Genesys Cloud customer for at least six months and would be a strategic fit for the Council. The Council is limited to 10-15 customers per region.
- Do you support all product lines? This council is for Genesys Cloud only. PureConnect & PureEngage have their own product advisory councils.
- Are there any membership fees? Membership to the council is free.
- How often does the group meet? Online meetings are held quarterly. If you cannot make it, you can view the recordings online. In addition to webinars, there is an in-person meeting at Genesys annual CX conference.
Want to Learn More?
To learn more about or request membership to the Product Advisory Council email or Request Membership