Achievers Lounge

"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept
for there were no more worlds to conquer."

- Hans Gruber

Welcome to the Achievers Lounge! Pour yourself a glass of your favorite drink and browse our fine collection of badges and ribbons.
Here you can explore available achievements in the community and learn what it takes to add them to your profile.
Just beyond that, you'll see prize winners and our Rockstar Wall of Fame.
Welcome to the party!

Badges Series 1 - Inception

Honorable Professor

How it can be earned: You have posted more than 10 library entries. (Click here to learn more about The Library)

Description: Your quest for knowledge is paramount. You have a lot to share and your additions to the Genesys Community library are a great resource for others!

All-Star Contributor

How it can be earned: Have at least 15 discussion posts marked as the best answer.

Description: Hey now, somebody once told me you may not give the “best” answer all of the time, but who says it gets cooler than this? You made the difference, you hit the ground running and that's more than impressive to us!

Conversation Explorer

How it can be earned: You created more than 50 posts! (New discussion threads and replies apply.)

Description: This is Ground Control to say, “You’ve really made the grade!” You are not one to shy away from a conversation. Take you protein pills, put your helmet on, and keep exploring.

Social Media Maestro

How it can be earned: You have a Photo in your profile (don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be of you) and you have filled out 50 percent your profile’s information.

Description: Your social media skills are strong (can you help my parents, please?). Great job completing your profile and inviting the community to connect with you.

Consummate Networker

How it can be earned: You have made 15 connections in the community.

Description: Wow! Someone’s popular. You’ve gone out of your way to connect with peers on an interpersonal level. Keep bridging new friendships and being such a welcoming member of the community.


Conference Attendee

How it can be earned: You Attended The CX Event of the Year!

Description: You hit the honky tonks in Nashville or the cool rockies of Colorado with Genesys, and this badge is a sarsaparilla sweet reminder of the stories that came out of it. 

Badges Series 2 - Memento

Pardon The Mess

How it can be earned: View the Community on a Mobile Device.

Description: Oh gosh, we weren't expecting company! Well, come in the place is a mess and we haven't had time to clean up. You won't judge us right? We're still renovating our mobile experience.


How it can be earned: Subscribe to a Digest (Update your settings here)

Description: Papes?! Papes?!?! Who needs papes? This is a digital world and you're the king of New York! Subscribe to a community digest to receive a personalized summary of hot discussions from your favorite communities. Open the gates and seize the day!

Eager Recruit

How it can be earned: Join the Community and post within your first 10 days!

Description: Faster than a speeding car, more confident than a kid in a Batman shirt, you wasted no time jumping in on the action, and we honor you for it! 

Community Jedi - Youngling

How it can be earned: Earn 25 contributor points by a combination of starting that many discussions or submitting that many replies. 

Description: Much to learn you have, but much to grow you show.

*Editor's note - Yoda speak is hard.

Community Jedi - Padawan

How it can be earned: Earn 75 contributor points by a combination of starting that many discussions or submitting that many replies.

Description: In my experience, there's no such thing as luck. You reached this rank through hard work and dedication. I would say that I love you, but you know.

Community Jedi - Knight

How it can be earned: Earn 150 contributor points by a combination of starting that many discussions or submitting that many replies.

Description: You are ready to join the council. You should now be able to levitate objects with your mind...

* "No one can actually levitate anything with their mind," she thought and made the computer type. *

Appetite for Instruction

How it can be earned: Create 1, 3 or 5 Library entries

Description: Welcome to the jungle just outside of Paradise City, sweet child of mine. It's so easy to post a discussion, but you're crazy for knowledge and took the nightrain to create or upload some worthwhile documentation for your favorite Rocket Queen. 

Power to the People

How it can be earned: Vote in 1, 5, or 10 polls.

Description: Say you want a revolution. Well no need to get on your feet, pressing a button will do just fine. Right on!

Life of the Party

How it can be earned: Create a discussion thread that receives 10, 20, or 30 replies.

Description: Congratulations, you got the conga line going! Feel free to keep that lampshade on your head and let the good times roll.

Community Laureate

How it can be earned: Receive 1, 5, or 10 Best Answers.

Description: Henry Miller once wrote, "Writing is its own reward." You, however, get a badge and the thanks of a grateful community. 



How it can be earned: Create Discussions and Reply to Posts.

Description: This ribbon constantly changes to recognize the community's top 25 contributors from the last 30 days!


How it can be earned: Sign up for the community! This ribbon will stay with you your first 60 days.

Description: Take a minute to say hi! This ribbon is given to members who join the community 60 days ago.


How it can be earned: You signed up for GCAP! (Signing up is easy!)

Description: You are a member of the few, the proud, the GCAP.

How it can be earned: Community Members can send nominations to 

Description: The tribe has spoken and you are doing great things. Keep it up!


Description: Genesys’ finest! We are all current employees and eager to help with your questions. Connect with us!


Description: The Genesys Advisor team joined the community to assist Premier Customers as they make the transition to PureCloud.


Description: Genesys’ own Guru team specializes in Workforce Optimization and leading users on the full power of Genesys’ Customer Experience Platform.

Description: The Genesys Community Rockstars play all of our favorite community hits! They ask great questions, share their knowledge, participate in events, and give groovy feedback in Betas. Nominate your favorite Rockstar now.

Description: When the community asks members to showoff what they know about Genesys or how they make their planet a little bit better, these renaissance members answer the call.

Community Rockstars Panel of Fame

Rockstar Inductees
Nominate Someone Today

Brian Jones poster
George poster Takume poster