Genesys Winter 2018 Innovations Webinar

When:  Nov 14, 2018 from 11:00 to 12:00 (ET)
Associated with  Genesys Multicloud

As a Genesys customer, you’ve told us that it’s sometimes difficult to get the latest and greatest information on new innovations and platform improvements. We’ve heard you loud and clear, and because of this we’ve been working to simplify sharing and access to information with you – our customers. We’d like to invite you to a special webinar with the product leadership team to hear about the Genesys Winter 2018 Innovations.

Winter ‘18 includes a complete view of new capabilities and innovations across the entire Genesys portfolio. This webinar will provide you with an overview of the Winter 2018 Innovations with details on our strategy, and give you access to breakout sessions for each Genesys platform – PureCloud, PureConnect and PureEngage – covering key new innovations for each. The webinar will cover:

  • 11:00 -11:30 a.m. ET Janelle Dieken, Senior Vice President of Product Marketing, will cover the Genesys Winter 2018 Innovation spotlight
  • 11:30 – 12:15 p.m. ET will offer three breakout options with the product leaders who will cover what’s new for PureCloud, PureConnect and PureEngage

Join the Genesys product leadership team to hear about the best of what’s new and what’s next from Genesys.

North America

11/14/20188AM PT / 11AM ET

Europe, Middle East & Africa

11/14/20184PM BST / 5PM CEST


11/15/20181:30PM AEST / 11:30AM SGT

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