Genesys Cloud CX

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Introducing Genesys Cloud 

01-29-2020 16:21
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08-22-2022 09:25

Thanks for the reply Matt.

My question still stands: Why is this forum thread, Marketing announcement, on this official Future release announcements link:

Should Genesys not update this link provided on the Future release announcements with a source that has the required information for Partners and customers to consume.

To me this falls in line with the drive from Genesys to provide better information on coming updates to the system for better awareness.

We cannot log this as a support ticket.

08-22-2022 08:52

@Dewald Smit, the post that you are commenting on was a PR announcement from two years ago about Genesys renaming/rebranding "PureCloud" to "Genesys Cloud CX" that was shared on the community. It was posted by one of our marketing teammates. ​

To my knowledge, Genesys did not make any email domain changes as a result of this change.

If I were you, I would open a new thread dedicated to the topic that you want to discuss to see what others are doing or you can contact the Genesys Support Team or your rep for assistance. 

Sorry for the confusion and delay in response.



08-18-2022 17:39

@Matt Lawson please could you advise on no response on this thread?

This is the official info link from the future releases page​ where we are pointed for more info, but the info is lacking.

Thank you in advance for your time.

Edit: The info pdf is almost 2 years old.

07-21-2022 09:57

@Nathalie Thompson

Please could this be escalated to provide more detail around possible Cloud CX email domain name changes.

More info all around on this would allow us to prep customers better for future changes. More lead time = better planning/deployment = happy customers​

06-21-2022 09:52

Could some more detail be added for the domain name changes, please? It is unclear if any action is required or if the change will be seamless to customers.

05-03-2022 10:31

I am also interested in seeing more details about the upcoming changes/roadmap related to the purecloud domain change.

04-22-2022 06:00

Please could we get more info on the below or point us to the correct forum where we can see the info required?

Genesys will begin updating domain names in the first half of 2022 and will provide an update as work progresses.

When and what would impact be on Cloud Email addresses. The addresses.


We are assuming it would change to or something similar.

What they change it to is not a problem, we just require a more detailed timeline of when this change could possibly happen.

03-09-2022 15:51

For the mentioned domain changes the first half of this year, when will more information be made available so that we can advise customers of changes and determine if any changes (e.g. DNS whitelisting) need to be made? Is there a timeline for the remaining changes yet? Thank you!

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