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  • Hey everyone! We're excited to drop the newest episode of the Genesys Cloud Community Q&A Show that will provide you with all the details you need to know about SMS. SMS (texting) regulations are changing all the time, so much so, ...

  • Hello Community! Do you set up queues with members from multiple divisions? If so, would you be willing to join me for a quick exploratory call? If email works better, please feel free to reach me at ...

  • This week we spent lots of hours trying to figure out why our softphone integration was having issues. We opened a Genesys case and uploaded the appropriate logs to them. They found that GCBA hadn't been updated. The customer updated it, no change, ...

  • I'm not sure of a way to share them. But anyone who has the Quality Administrator role can go into the Evaluation Form and click to edit the question, they will have the Save as template option. ------------------------------ Angelica Howard MidAmerican ...

  • Dear Friends I have a query, I have created a flow with intentions, in which I gave input words like "YES" and "NO" and all their variants, but I am running into problems that the BOT does not identify the words, it takes a long time to respond ...

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