After you request a quote, our Sales team will get in touch with you within 2-3 working days with the price quote.
Sheela Sridharan
Program Manager - Certifications
Genesys University
Original Message:
Sent: 09-13-2020 21:44
From: Alrumikhani Al-Rumikhani
Subject: Not able Training in pure connect
Dear Sheela Sridharan
I am happy to announce that i am able to get search results on pure connect product as shown in the picture but i think there is some payment i should do first then i will be able to view the pure connect lectures content how can i finish the payment process ?
Alrumikhani Al-Rumikhani
Individual Only Contact Account
Original Message:
Sent: 09-13-2020 12:34
From: Sheela Sridharan
Subject: Not able Training in pure connect
Hi Alrumikhani,
"Genesys University" is now "Genesys Beyond" and we have moved to a new Learning Management System.
Here is the link to our course catalog. You may filter training by product type and instruction type. Take a look at the PureConnect catalog and contact us if you require any further assistance.
Sheela Sridharan
Program Manager - Certifications
Genesys University
Original Message:
Sent: 09-07-2020 08:00
From: Alrumikhani Al-Rumikhani
Subject: Not able Training in pure connect
Dear All
Good Day
How can i get training in pure connect . I have registered in geneyes university and choose the courses unfortunately i am not able to view the videos kindly support me and give me guidance i have to study and get the certificate as soon as possible
Alrumikhani Al-Rumikhani
Individual Only Contact Account