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  • 1.  Session key used by MCP to encrypt the media files.

    Posted 01-11-2022 05:17

    I am trying to find out how the session key which is used by MCP to encrypt the media files are generated. And where does this session key gets saved (document mentions about a PKCS7 envelope).

    And does anyone know how the .mp3.bin file which is stored in WebDAV storage can be played back using a normal media player (VLC player etc.). For example, in a situation when Speechminer is not accessible, how can we play out the files which is available in the storage and the metadata present in the Speechminer database.

    If anyone has any idea about the subject, please join the discussion.

    Thank you


    Rashid Yusuf
    Solution Architect
    Baud Telecom Company Ltd

  • 2.  RE: Session key used by MCP to encrypt the media files.

    Posted 01-13-2022 10:11
    Edited by Mauricio GĂłmez 01-13-2022 10:11
    Hi Rashid.

    In the Genesys Interaction Recording documentation, specifically in the document Genesys Interaction Recording Solution Guide in Architecture and Features and Security and Encryption you can find information about the process of decrypting audio under the heading Decrypting Recordings.

    I have tried to decrypt the file by following that information, but so far, I have not been able to achieve it, I suppose it must be because I am missing some prerequisite.

    If you manage to decrypt it, it would be nice if you can comment on it.

    Greetings and good luck.

    Mauricio GĂłmez
    Interacciones Inteligentes S.A.

  • 3.  RE: Session key used by MCP to encrypt the media files.

    Posted 01-20-2022 06:21
    Thanks Mauricio,

    Yes indeed, i tried the same before posting here. However, i wasn't successful in decrypting the files. I assume the session key used by MCP for encrypting the calls before POSTing to WebDAV is randomly generated.

    I am now exploring ways to find the recordings and decrypt it using the GIR APIs available. Still facing some issues with the decrypt API.

    I will update here if i get to reach somewhere.

    Best Regards,

    Rashid Yusuf
    Baud Telecom Company Ltd

  • 4.  RE: Session key used by MCP to encrypt the media files.

    Posted 01-17-2022 00:09

    HI Rashid,

                         The PKCS7 envelope is basically just the encoding in which the .bin file is encoded.

    If you have access to the original .pem file which was used to encrypt the call you can use openssl to decrypt and play the audio.

    The biggest challenge is usually finding the call you wish to play. Particularly when speechminer is not accessable, such as when a customer moves from Premise to Cloud. They can end up with litterally millions of encrypted or unencrypted calls that then becomes difficlt to locate any particular call.

    Have a look into AppFoundry. You will find an answer to your question.
    Interaction Solutions


    James McIntosh
    Interaction Solutions Pty Ltd

  • 5.  RE: Session key used by MCP to encrypt the media files.

    Posted 01-20-2022 06:23
    Hi James,

    Are you talking about the .pem file for each call which appears in the MCP record directory while the call is still connected? If so, that .pem file for that call does not stay behind once MCP posts it to WebDAV.

    Best Regards,

    Rashid Yusuf
    Baud Telecom Company Ltd

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