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  • 1.  Is there a way to get schedule coverage data by agent AND activity?

    Posted 06-15-2018 02:08
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    ​Hi All,

    We have a use case where we need to know how much time we have scheduled a particular agent towards certain activities at a fractional level (within a 15 minute interval).

    That way we can compare planned vs. actuals and where variances appear, we can determine whether we need to "pay back" effort in the future.

    Currently this is not possible because the Weekly Schedule Coverage Report data is presented grouped by activities and the other schedule reports such as Individual Schedule Report has data grouped by agent. There is no report that allows as to exactly know how much time an agent has been scheduled to an activity when are agents are multi-skilled.

    Is there anyway to get coverage data by agent and activities? Or are we in the realms of pulling this data via the APIs?


    #reporting #coverage #WFM #API


    Leanne Simon

  • 2.  RE: Is there a way to get schedule coverage data by agent AND activity?

    Posted 06-15-2018 07:11
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    Hi Leanne,

    We would suggest using the ETL function of WFM to be able to build the report that you need.

    Here is another really good document that will explain the ETL and how to build queries etc,

    Documentation:WM:Admin:ETLDB:8.5.2 - Genesys Documentation
    Genesys remove preview
    Documentation:WM:Admin:ETLDB:8.5.2 - Genesys Documentation
    Section: ETL Default Value: 7 Valid Values: Any integer between 1 and 31 Changes Take Effect: Immediately Dependencies: Should be less than ( DaysBack+ DaysAhead) Specifies the number of days that will be processed at a time. The tracked day range is defined by the values set in the DaysBack and DaysAhead parameters and is processed in the specified chunks of data.
    View this on Genesys >

    Again if you have any problems getting to the document just let me know and I will download it for you.


    Jennifer MacDonald
    Senior WFO consultant

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