I'd like to ask the same question, only a year (and a bit!) further on - it's 2019 and we still don't have an easy to use report for outbound details?
This would seem like a basic feature to have - a simple report that summarises all outbound calls made via Purecloud, for a given date range.
Christian Legg
Original Message:
Sent: 04-18-2018 04:44
From: Mathieu Poulain
Subject: Outbound Metrics
One year later is there still no outbound metric available?
Any plan for the future?
Mathieu Poulain
AXA General Insurance Japan Limited.
Original Message:
Sent: 04-24-2017 17:08
From: Caitlan Spronk
Subject: Outbound Metrics
Hello Emily,
The Interaction Details report (https://help.mypurecloud.com/articles/interaction-details-report/) includes outbound interactions. To my knowledge, there isn't a report that shows *only* outbound interactions, unless we're talking about Dialer campaign calls.
It's not a report, but you can also filter for outbound interactions in the Performance > Interactions view.
Just to make sure--my answer assumes you're asking about calls manually dialed by users, as opposed to Dialer calls made by the system. (There is a set of Dialer reports, but those only include campaign calls. Your wording sounds like you aren't talking about Dialer, but I thought I'd check.)
Let me know if you have other questions :)