Yes. There are a couple of ways you can accomplish finer-grained interaction evaluation:
1. You can set criteria for which interactions to evaluate based on duration, wrap up codes, conversation direction, etc. For a full list, see For example, you could set a policy to only assign evaluations to inbound interactions over 15 minutes long.
2. You can also use "metered evaluation." Metered evaluation assigns a set number of evaluations to assign per time period that is defined by you. If many interactions would match the policy, metered evaluation ensures that evaluators aren't inundated with evaluations and keeps things manageable. For example, you could assign 5 evaluations per day to evaluator(s). PureCloud will randomly assign 5 matching interactions to those evaluators. Metered evaluation is also set in the policy (
Finally, as the article describes, you can apply 1 and 2 at the same time--for example, you can apply a metered evaluation to only inbound calls that are more than five minutes long.