I think there may be two threads on this subject, but you are correct everyone is saying ASA, but I believe they are looking for the Alert Time - so how long does it ring to the agent before the agent responds. This is for people who are not set up with Auto Answer.
You can get to this data, by assessing the Agent's Performance, they filtering to add Max Alert as a column and you will get the information you are looking for. I removed my agents name from this screenshot, but the Agents names would appear on the left.
Judy Jimenez, Call Center Operations Manager
CURE Auto Insurance
Original Message:
Sent: 01-28-2009 21:33
From: A Contributor
Subject: ASA (Average Speed of Answer) per call
I am looking for a solution where I can find ASA for each and every call. Right now the ASA is captured for every interval. Is there any table which I can use where the ASA is captured for every call. We can write custom handlers to log the values to attributes in the calldetail table but then how do we handle the ASA for calls which are transferred from one workgroup to another. Any suggestion will be really helpful.