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  • 1.  Allowing Variable to have multiple values

    Posted 06-12-2013 18:50
    I would like to create a string variable that can contain multiple values (a list) but I need it to be sized (number of entries) by a value entered by the user. I basically want an array that changes size depending on if the user has 1 or more items to enter. Thanks, Andrew

  • 2.  RE: Allowing Variable to have multiple values

    Posted 06-13-2013 01:41
    Your question is a bit vague. Hopefully I will give you enough to get you moving in the right direction. Create your string collection (which is like an array - but don't set any data constraints on them). Then you can add items to this list in your work item. For example, if you are using 3.0 or 4.0 pre 3, you could create an edit box and a button. When you click on the button, simply use an update variables step to add the value of the edit box to your string collection. To display the list, you could create another edit box, set it to allow multiple lines. In the page initialization action, create a loop that loops through all the items in the array and appends them to a string with "\r\n" (carriage return / line feed). If you are using 4.0 SP3 or later, simply use a datagrid to display the list. If parts of that are unclear, let me know where you're stuck and we'll help out. --Jason

  • 3.  RE: Allowing Variable to have multiple values

    Posted 06-19-2013 12:45
    I used a button and a string that Appended the text from the edit box to the string and used \n to create new lines. I ended up displaying it with a edit box, the only thing I don't like is that the edit box size has to be predefined, if I use a datagrid, will that grow as the length of the string grows or will that size have to be predefined as well? Thanks, Andrew

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