Hi Robert, we did take this into consideration. However, there was a substantial amount of work to implement a custom retention period for this data that would divert attention away from other logging efforts. We are working on a blueprint similar to AWS EventBridge - Write Analytics Detail Events to S3 (genesys.cloud) to provide customers with an easy-to-understand model for how to pull Audit events into their own storage to meet whatever requirements they may have.
Genesys - Employees-Chris Fischer
Sr. Product Manager, User Experience
Original Message:
Sent: 06-21-2024 22:48
From: Robert Wakefield-Carl
Subject: Audit Retention Policy update - 1 Year max
@Chris Fischer Is there any reason you can't have a retention policy like with the system data in ORG settings for this? I understand that this information may not be useful past the year, but we have customers asking about data for longer periods.
Robert Wakefield-Carl
ttec Digital
Sr. Director - Innovation Architects
Original Message:
Sent: 05-10-2024 12:43
From: Chris Fischer
Subject: Audit Retention Policy update - 1 Year max
Later this year, Genesys Cloud release will include an audit data retention period that meets global compliance requirements. Genesys Cloud will retain the prior 365 days (one year) of audit events. This retention period will only apply to audit events found in the Audit Viewer and Audit APIs. Customers who want to store events for a longer period, can use APIs or an AWS EventBridge integration to ingest and store these audit events for a longer period.
Genesys - Employees-Chris Fischer
Sr. Product Manager, User Experience