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Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

  • 1.  Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 05-09-2024 17:51
    Edited by Amelie Wisniak 05-09-2024 17:53
    Dear Community Members,

    The Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode feature teams are pleased to announce our new beta has started! 

    Genesys Cloud now offers advanced execution data capabilities for all Architect flow types. The enhanced capabilities give users greater control over how they use historical execution data and enable them to better understand user journeys and improve and troubleshoot their flows. Users can now decide whether to turn execution data storage on or off and choose from the following four different data levels:

    • Base: understand high-level user journeys through actions and navigated menus, errors, and events.
    • Notes: troubleshoot flows using variable values (includes the Base level).
    • Verbose Notes: access conversation content with communications values (includes the Notes level).
    • All: troubleshoot flows using action input and output values (includes the Verbose Notes level).

    Historical execution data counts toward an organization's data storage limit under the Genesys Cloud fair use policy. Historical execution data storage is disabled by default. All users must enable this feature to use it and republish flows to track execution data.

    Administrators and developers can access historical flow execution data via the Genesys Cloud Platform API, Architect Replay Mode, and the Genesys Cloud notifications service.

    Learn more: Historical execution data overview - Genesys Cloud Resource Center

    If your organization would like to be considered for participation in the Advanced Architect Execution Data Beta, please complete this enrollment form

    Thank you for being part of our community, and we look forward to your feedback.


    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 2.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 05-09-2024 21:03

    Hi Amelie,

    Do we have any indication of what the storage impact/requirements will be. Ie on Average for a low / medium / high sized flow (as measured by architect), you should expect x Kbs per conversation? 

    Anton Vroon

  • 3.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 05-10-2024 10:32

    @Amelie Wisniak  in addition to Anton's question, will there be an indication anywhere of how much data is consumed by this feature, how much per flow, etc?  Will there be tools to manage that data?  If I put a flow in "All" mode for debugging purposes and then turn it back to None I'm assuming that all previous data will be deleted.  Is this the case?

    All to say that we need to have tools to manage the data and better understand how we will be able to.  Just giving us a warning that it counts towards our fair use policy is not enough.

    I hope this helps.  Thanks!

    Vick Sweeney
    Hydro Quebec

  • 4.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 05-10-2024 11:28

    @Anton Vroon @Vick Sweeney 

    There are a lot of parameters that can impact your storage usage. It depends on the Execution Data flow level (Base, Notes, Verbose Notes, or All) and your flow specificities (e.g. flow size, number of actions, size of the variables, number of loops, etc.). We are exploring ways to help you track this usage better, but this is not part of the scope of this beta. In the meantime, we suggest you keep the level to the minimum you need and temporarily override individual flow levels when necessary.

    When updating the level from "all" to "none", we do not delete previous instances but historical execution data is automatically deleted after 10 days. 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 5.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 05-10-2024 11:37

    So if we went 100% debug mode, and let that run for 10 days, that's the max amount of rolling storage it'd consume?

  • 6.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 06-11-2024 17:14

    @Paul McGurn Correct, but the amount of data you gather will greatly vary based on the number of flow(s) instances.

    Note: The data storage bucket is also used for recordings, not solely for execution data. 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 7.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 05-12-2024 18:04

    Thanks @Amelie Wisniak

    Would be good to have this for GA release.

    Is there any guidance you can give though, like in general, on average, ball park figure for each level of data how much storage would be used for low /  middle / high flow sizes (which is a measure of number of actions)?

    Anton Vroon

  • 8.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 05-14-2024 16:48

    We are working on gathering some metrics. We'll let you know as soon as we have data to share. 

    Thanks for your patience! 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 9.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 05-23-2024 09:37
    Edited by Brian Jones 05-23-2024 09:40

    @Amelie Wisniak - Thank you for helping gather metrics and other ways to track the data usage/storage associated with this much appreciated feature. When you do land on a way to track this information, it would be ideal to see the current usage/storage information visible directly on the main Flow Execution Data page.

    A few questions in the interim:

    1. For this beta period, do you have insight on the backend into how much data we are currently using (if we ask you for it directly)? That might help us proactively compile some estimates.
    2. Will we incur data usage/storage fees during the beta? I ask because I want to set our logging level at Notes to see a bit more data than the Base level provides.
    3. Once this is GA'd and the billing period is up, will we see the execution data usage/storage information show up in the Storage section of the Billing & Usage page?

    Brian T. Jones | Ascension | Senior Specialist - Technology

  • 10.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 06-03-2024 09:03
    Edited by Brian Jones 06-03-2024 09:04

    @Amelie Wisniak - Bumping this question...thoughts or updates?

    Brian T. Jones | Ascension | Senior Specialist - Technology

  • 11.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 06-11-2024 16:30

    Hi @Brian Jones,

    Thank you for your patience. Please find my answer below:

    1. We can request data usage information for your particular org ID. Please reach out to me directly.
    2. Billing is not currently enabled. Any usage periods which end during the beta will not assess the flow history data storage. That said, if data has been stored during the beta period, this data is still billable upon GA if you have exceeded your fair use allocation for that period.
    3. It won't be displayed on that page, but it will be in the usage resource export as a daily value.

    I hope it helps! 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 12.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 05-10-2024 04:53
    Edited by James Dunn 05-10-2024 05:01

    Hi Amelie,

    We applied for the beta a few weeks back but I don't see any of the new permissions available to assign; does this mean our org (Pitney Bowes) isn't part of the beta?

    Thank you.

    James Dunn
    Pitney Bowes Inc.

  • 13.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 05-10-2024 09:31

    Does this beta include a quicker way to get into the historical debugger other than (get ID manually, go into Architect, wait, manually search by ID, select it, wait more), like, a link in the Interaction view?

    Paul McGurn
    Manager, Telecom & DevOps

  • 14.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 05-10-2024 10:51

    @Paul McGurn Unfortunately, it does not. This feedback has been shared with the relevant team and is still under review. 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 15.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 05-10-2024 10:12
    Edited by Edward Wit 05-10-2024 10:18


    Last week I filled in the enrollment form to participate the beta. But I see no Execution Data item in the menu in Architect. Is the beta not active in my Org? Or is there a permission tied to this feature?

    Edward Wit
    Cloudoe BV

  • 16.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 05-10-2024 10:17


    Last week I filled in the enrollment form to participate the beta. But I see no Execution Data item in the menu in Architect. Is the beta not active in my Org? Or is there a permission tied to this feature?


    Edward Wit
    Cloudoe BV

  • 17.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 05-10-2024 10:47

    @James Dunn @Edward Wit

    We have received significant interest for this beta. We are progressively adding new orgs to the beta, and we will keep you informed of your acceptance status. 

    Thank you for your patience! 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 18.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 05-14-2024 12:39

    We joined the beta today. Finding it really useful, already helped solve a few bugs. It's not been seamless but definitely very good.

    Immediate ask: can we get more information in the Execution History page when you click the Execution History button in a flow? Even just ConversationId (if not things like ANI, DNIS, ...) to help identify the interaction we want to review (without having to get the ID, search for it etc).

    James Dunn
    Pitney Bowes Inc.

  • 19.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 05-14-2024 13:38

    I filled out the form last week and haven't heard back yet.

  • 20.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 05-14-2024 16:55

    @James Dunn @Edward Wit @Paul McGurn You should now all have access to the beta! 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 21.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 05-14-2024 16:58

    Hi Amelie, I know I only signed up a few days ago, but just wanted to make sure I'm still on the list and it's being worked through? Keen to give this a go and provide feedback.

    Anton Vroon

  • 22.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 05-14-2024 19:03

    @James Dunn Thanks for the feedback. We'll look into adding additional columns to the Flow Execution History view. I like the idea of adding additional fields like ConversationId 

    Justin Campbell
    Product Manager
    Genesys - Employees

  • 23.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 05-14-2024 21:23

    Really enjoying this feature. I've only had a little play with it so far but wanted to give some initial feedback.

    Couple of things, first can we please get the keyboard shortcuts for all flows. pressing e then h to bring up expression helper, would be so handy in a normal flow. Same with the ctrl g to jump to location, ctrl s to save, ctrl i to hide the number ids etc.

    When pinning a variable and setting it to a breakpoint, honestly first time i did it by accident and couldn't figure out why the variable disappeared from Data and where to find it. It was just at the top. But also while hovering over the symbol before the variable (not system) it gives 2 tooltips that overlap, add break point and the data type, eg

    Seeing the error values even though I haven't added the outputs as variables, is awesome

    Being able to click on go to next update on a variable, very helpful.

    I like that I can click on a date to change it's format, just wish there was some localization applied, ie not American date format.

    Anton Vroon

  • 24.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 05-15-2024 01:55

    @Amelie Wisniak Can you please confirm if my org is on the list as I don't see the new permissions yet? We were using the old beta and signed up to this one. I have some queries about data size but want to make sure I'm on the right beta first.

    Richard Chandler

  • 25.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 05-15-2024 11:49

    @Richard Chandler Your org is now part of the beta. You must enable execution data storage and republish flows to track execution data. We are looking forward to your feedback. 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 26.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 05-16-2024 05:27

    Thanks @Amelie Wisniak I've now been able to enable the new beta and logging levels.

    Richard Chandler

  • 27.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 05-16-2024 02:11

    Hi Richard,

    I had to update with the below before being able to enabled execution data

    Settings > Execution Data > Edit permission
    Settings > Execution Data > View permission

    Neil Jones
    Voice Comms Lead
    Awaze Uk
    United Kingdom

  • 28.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 06-11-2024 17:18

    Thanks for your feedback @Anton Vroon! We shared it with the rest of the team. 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 29.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 05-15-2024 17:45

    Loving this so far, a suggestion from me
    Can we have a way to pin multiple variables to the top of the list without adding them as a BreakPoint, or alternatively have a separate module/section for pinned/watched variables.

    Its useful to be able to keep an eye on certain variables as a call goes through the flow, without necessarily needing to have a break point each time they are changed, this can be difficult to keep an eye on in the current variable list if the flow is large and there are potentially 100s of variables in the list.

    If you need me to load this in the ideas portal let me know.


    Cameron Stone

  • 30.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 05-16-2024 03:06
    Edited by Gianpaolo Butera 05-16-2024 05:24

    Hi Amelie,

    we are trying to consume the Execution Data History via Event Bridge but what we saw is that the log level on Notification is set to base that is already something but not helpful for debugging outside of Architect. Do you know if this log level can be changed? The level "Notes" should help for our use case. 

    The idea behind is consuming these events and keep trace for longer troubleshooting via Splunk to trace the history longer then 10 days.

    As additional info also on the Common Module at the moment it's not enable the Execution Data & you have any idea if it will be added ? 

    Thanks and let me know


    Gianpaolo Butera
    Genesys - Employees

  • 31.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 05-16-2024 18:26

    Hi @Gianpaolo Butera

    The execution data level applies to execution data storage.

    The notification, while looking similar to the event execution format is a modified and stripped-down version of the total history.  This is due to how the event payload is formatted and event size limits.

    Regarding common modules, they do not execute on their own. They are embedded into another flow, so you have to look at the execution data for the calling flow.

    Hope this helps!

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 32.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 05-16-2024 03:11
    Edited by Edward Wit 05-16-2024 03:20


    Very happy with this feature. Normally we added several logging steps in Architect flows and write that into Participant Data. This tool really will help to get rid of that. Maybe some suggestions to make it even better:

    • It is mentioned earlier in this thread, the storage. Maybe it is an idea to give a possibility to delete execution data manually, e.g. the result of a particular query. Or a period or simply all. I also think it would be wise that you can delete a single conversation for GDPR purposes.
    • The Flow Level is a global setting. When building and tracing a flow you normally need a higher log level for only that flow and not for all. Is there a way to overwrite the global log level for a single flow?
    • The Query Builder in the result pane only supports in criteria.When you have tons of conversations and you need some from yesterday then finding the right one is now doable. So additional criteria would really help, like Time, DNIS, ANI, etc. Or add some link in the Interaction view on conversation to view the execution data. As mentioned earlier in this thread. 

    I also have a question when logging will start. Yesterday I enable this feature and didn't see any logs appearing on the flow. I republished one flow and from that moment I saw the logs coming in for that flow. But till now I don't see the logs on other flows. So do we have to publish a flow first so it will store the execution data?

    And this morning I changed the log level from Base to Notes and it took a couple of minutes before that change had effect on the flow I republished yesterday. So is there a delay and how long is that delay? On the other flows I still have no execution data.


    Edward de Wit
    Cloudoe BV

  • 33.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 05-16-2024 04:29
    Edited by James Dunn 05-16-2024 04:29

    @Edward Wit

    You can set the log level for an individual flow. If you go to the Architect flow list (the front page for Architect) and search for the flow, there is an Execution Data option where you can change the flow level.

    Yes you do seemingly have to republish every single flow to start capturing logs for that flow. Until you republish you don't get anything for that flow, which is a bit of a pain.

    I have also had on occasion flows that were republished seemingly stop capturing logs after a later publish, and having to be published again.

    James Dunn
    Pitney Bowes Inc.

  • 34.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 05-16-2024 05:24

    Hi James,

    I hadn't noticed that option. Great.

    Thanks for your response.

    Edward de Wit
    Cloudoe BV

  • 35.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 06-11-2024 17:26

    @Edward Wit 

    Thanks for your feedback. Please find my answer below:

    • Execution data is stored for 10 days, so please be assured that this feature is GDPR compliant. That said, we've captured and shared your feedback to support the ability to delete single instances.
    • You do. Thanks to @James Dunn for sharing a screenshot on how to override this setting! 
    • We are investigating adding advanced querying capabilities to enable users to add multiple query parameters as part of a follow-up initiative. We may reach out to you with additional questions.  
    • You have to publish a flow to start capturing execution data. 

    I hope this helps! 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 36.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 05-22-2024 18:38

    Not sure if it's just me or if I've missed some info somewhere but I'm finding the UI for this pretty squeezed in and finding it hard to really get the full benefit out of it.

    How can I hide that "initial greeting" panel so I get a wider view of the actual visual of the flow?  Apologies if it's something obvious I've overlooked :)

    Vaun McCarthy

  • 37.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 05-23-2024 04:38

    @Vaun McCarthy

    Mine looks nothing like that; is that what Architect normally looks like when you're editing a flow (minus the new black bar at the bottom)? Is something strange happening with your browser window sizing or resolution or something?

    This is what I see:

    James Dunn
    Pitney Bowes Inc.

  • 38.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 05-23-2024 04:44

    That looks lovely James!  lol mind if I ask what resolution you're using and what size monitor?  Although what does it look like if you go up into your starting task?

    Vaun McCarthy

  • 39.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 05-23-2024 04:51

    I'm on a 27 inch monitor, 1080p, no scaling, and my browser for the Architect page is at 80% zoom (what's yours set to?).

    This is the starting task, it is essentially the same as when editing Architect flows except with the panel on the bottom and the right, so marginally less "whiteboard" space for the flow itself. Still much more readable than what you seem to be getting.

    James Dunn
    Pitney Bowes Inc.

  • 40.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 05-23-2024 05:03

    Definitely get some improvement when going into different resolutions, which is unfortunate as not every UI component plays nice at all resolutions.  I wonder what the common one is out there we're all using?  I was generally sticking with something like 1366*768 before my old eyes start to squint :)

    Vaun McCarthy

  • 41.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 05-24-2024 07:06

    Anybody else having issues getting any kind of execution data for secure flows? I know the docs say to only expect Basic, but we see nothing. We're successfully getting data for inbound and outbound. 

  • 42.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 05-25-2024 21:56

    Docs state does not currently  with secure flows. 

    Matthew Raleigh
    Thermo Fischer CRG
    Sr. IT COMM Eng.

  • 43.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 06-11-2024 16:40

    @Ryan W Pupa @Matthew Raleigh Great news - Secure call flows are in the works, and we are hoping to make them part of the beta towards the end of next week. 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 44.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 05-30-2024 00:29

    I've found something that can hopefully be fixed.

    If I call a bot flow, in my test example this was an Inbound message flow, calling a Digital Bot Flow, with the expectation to return and continue on the rest of the flow.

    The execution stops at the Bot flow,  with Flow exit reason as Transfer. So If I use a bot flow I can't see the rest of the execution data in anyway?

    Would like digital bot flow and bot flows to be treated like Common Modules in this regard, able to step in, skip over, and continue the flow on return etc. 

    Anton Vroon

  • 45.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 2 days ago

    @Amelie Wisniak are we planning to have botflows operate like common modules for the replay mode? Because currently it doesn't, and the replay just stops on the call digital bot action, when the interaction returns from the bot the rest of the flow isn't captured. Or does this need to be a feature request?

    Anton Vroon

  • 46.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 2 days ago

    @Anton Vroon Flows are tracked independently but you can access the invoking flow from the digital bot by clicking on the "open invoking flow" button on the bottom left of the replay mode. 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 47.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 06-03-2024 08:59

    Beta users - Has anyone else experienced the Flow Execution Data no longer gathering information even after having published the flows over a week ago (i.e. it was working fine, but now I have no data no matter how I search)? Hoping the answer is not to republish the flow...again.

    Brian T. Jones | Ascension | Senior Specialist - Technology

  • 48.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 06-03-2024 09:13

    Yes, I've had that problem. A flow which was recording data would "spontaneously" stop recording execution data and needed to be republished to restart it.

    James Dunn
    Pitney Bowes Inc.

  • 49.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 06-03-2024 11:26

    @Amelie Wisniak - Is this a known usability issue/bug/defect? It doesn't seem normal that this should happen given it defeats the purpose of the feature nor should we have to republish that frequently (i.e. we won't have any data between the time the logging stops and the time we republish.).

    Brian T. Jones | Ascension | Senior Specialist - Technology

  • 50.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 06-11-2024 16:51

    @Brian Jones @James Dunn Thanks for bringing this to our attention. It is definitely not expected behavior to have to republish flows after a period of time. Can you please confirm which flow type you were using, and ideally, send us your flow ID using your Genesys point of contact?


    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 51.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 06-11-2024 17:13

    Thanks for responding, @Amelie Wisniak. I was attempting to view the Execution History for our main Inbound flow and have confirmed nothing has changed since it was enabled last month. I'll send you the Flow ID directly.

    Brian T. Jones | Ascension | Senior Specialist - Technology

  • 52.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 06-13-2024 16:04

    Thanks @Brian Jones. Our team is looking into this. 

    @James Dunn Is your issue resolved? What flow type was it, and when did it stop working? 


    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 53.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 06-04-2024 23:39

    Hi Amelie,

    We applied for the beta a few weeks back but I don't see any of the new permissions available to assign; does this mean our org (ctcw) isn't part of the beta?

    Thank you.

    Masashi Yamazaki
    Itochu Techno-Solutions Corporation(CTC)

  • 54.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 06-11-2024 16:53

    @Masashi Yamazaki Your org should have access to the beta. 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 55.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 06-05-2024 08:00

    Quick question, is it to late to be added to this Beta?  I don't see an option to be added on the Beta HQ page.

    Mark Pierson
    Ally Financial

  • 56.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 06-11-2024 16:54

    Hi @Mark Pierson, your org is now part of the beta. We are looking forward to your feedback. 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 57.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 06-05-2024 11:35


    I have been using this feature for the last few days and found to be very useful in debugging complex issues in call flows but all of a sudden it stopped working today, no more history to play back. I checked the org level setting , its still on and I had the level set to Notes in some of the call flows I am working on but no history being logged. Any idea what's going on?

    Philip Varghese
    Health Alliance Plan

  • 58.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 06-05-2024 11:56
    Edited by Brian Jones 06-05-2024 11:57

    You're not alone @Philip Varghese; see responses 40 - 42 above. I'm willing to bet there are others if they check & are willing to chime in. Seems like a pretty important bug/defect that needs to be addressed before GA.

    Either way, we're still waiting on @Amelie Wisniak/Genesys to respond to this and our other outstanding questions.

    Brian T. Jones | Ascension | Senior Specialist - Technology

  • 59.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 06-05-2024 12:03

    Thanks @Brian Jones. I even turned off/on the org level setting and republished the flows, still no luck

    Philip Varghese
    Health Alliance Plan

  • 60.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 06-05-2024 13:51

    Sorry guys, this was a user error finally. Execution history is working. I was looking for execution history in the wrong division call flow, the call route was pointed to the call flow in another division. 

    Philip Varghese
    Health Alliance Plan

  • 61.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 06-11-2024 17:00

    @Philip Varghese Glad to hear this issue is resolved. Thanks for letting us know. 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 62.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 06-06-2024 08:50


    We applied for this Beta and have never heard anything back from Genesys. Have we been added?

    Tony Stuchel
    J. B. Hunt Transport, Inc.

  • 63.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 06-11-2024 17:01

    @Tony Stuchel Your org is part of the beta. We are looking forward to your feedback. 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 64.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 06-13-2024 19:37
    Edited by Joshua Civitareale 06-13-2024 19:39

    Hi @Amelie Wisniak

    Is it too late to enrol?



    Joshua Civitareale
    Nexon Asia Pacific Pty. Ltd.

  • 65.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 06-14-2024 16:41

    Hi @Joshua Civitareale, could you please fill out the following beta form: Thanks! 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 66.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 22 days ago

    So far, I have found this tool very useful. However, I've run into what appears to be an issue. I have an inbound holiday flow that calls a Common Module (Get Application By Phone Number) to return application data from MSFT Dynamics based on the modified ANI of the caller. However, the in testing, I didn't receive that result I was looking for. So, I came to the Execution Tool.

    You can see from the screenshot below that in Step 10, I call the CDP - Get Application By Phone Number common module.

    But, in Step 11, the CDP - Get Contact By Phone Number common module is what was executed.

    Then the next step (after what should be the Get Application By Phone Number) common module block, the SET Participant Data occurs.

    Is this a known issue? I don't have any way of knowing if the call actually traversed through the Get Contact By Phone Number common module as shown in the execution tool vs the execution tool itself experiencing some issue. Can you provide some insight on this? The conversation occurred today and the ID is : 



    Michael Rigney
    J. B. Hunt Transport, Inc.

  • 67.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 22 days ago

    I did find a typo in the Flow.ApplicationID variable assignment (ApplicaitionID vs ApplicationID) that seems to have accounted for the call failures. Does that explain the potential issues with the Execution Tool? I would expect that the Common Module for application lookup would still execute and show in the tool.

    Michael Rigney
    J. B. Hunt Transport, Inc.

  • 68.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 22 days ago

    @Michael Rigney What results were you looking for, and what result did you get? After initial investigation, the captured execution data seems correct. 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 69.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 22 days ago


    Thank you for responding. The result I was looking for was based on the Flow.ApplicationID variable value returned from the Get Application By Phone Number common module. The typo in the variable name accounts for that failure. However, I would still expect the flow to execute in order and according to the tool, it does not.

    The tool seemingly skips a common module, a Set Participant Data block, and a Decision block (shown below) and executes the Get Contact By Phone Number common module. instead of the Get Application By Phone Number common module. After executing the contact lookup common module, the flow then executes two of the skipped blocks. 

    You can clearly see by the flow above that the next step after the Get Application By Phone Number common module is not the Get Contact By Phone Number common module which doesn't appear in the flow until after the three blocks above should be executed. Yet, in the Execution Tool, this common module appears in Step 11 and the Set Participant Data shown above appears in Step 15.

    So, why does the tool show that a common module which appears later was executed BEFORE the two blocks it skips but then it picks up the skipped blocks again right after executing the wrong common module?

    I've tried to include detailed screenshots but this is difficult to explain in this format. Feel free to email me and we can setup a short call which might be easier.


    Michael Rigney
    J. B. Hunt Transport, Inc.

  • 70.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 20 days ago

    @Michael Rigney Thanks for the clarification. Could you please provide a screen recording showing what happens when you enter the replayer and press the play button? Thanks!

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 71.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 20 days ago
    Edited by Michael Rigney 20 days ago
      |   view attached

    @Amelie Wisniak

    Here is a screen recording playback of an example call.


    Michael Rigney
    J. B. Hunt Transport, Inc.

  • 72.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 20 days ago
      |   view attached

    @Amelie Wisniak - Here's another example. A common module is selected. "Step In" is clicked and a completely different common module is shown in the tool.

    Michael Rigney
    J. B. Hunt Transport, Inc.

  • 73.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 18 days ago

    @Amelie Wisniak - I was looking at the Flow Execution History for one of my inbound messaging flows (Architect > Inbound Message > Check the box next to the flow > Click the 'Execution History' button) and for some reason it shows an older version of the flow and the Start Date stops at June 19th. I can confirm the logging level is set at Notes or higher and the flow has since been republished multiple times for testing (even today). Any particular reason why the Execution History has not updated since?

    Brian T. Jones | Ascension | Senior Specialist - Technology

  • 74.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 15 days ago

    @Michael Rigney Thanks, our team is investigating this issue! 

    @Brian Jones You likely reached the limit of 200 execution data instances per query. Our team is exploring ways to increase this limit. For now, I would suggest querying by conversation ID if you can. 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 75.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 15 days ago

    Thanks @Amelie Wisniak, and understood about using the conversation ID when applicable. I use that for very specific queries and definitely not a ton of times.

    That being said, are you saying it is simply failing given there are more than 200 results from the query? If so, even if there is a 200 execution data instances per query limit, shouldn't clicking that history button at least show the most recent 200 results instead of nothing at all since mid-June?

    Brian T. Jones | Ascension | Senior Specialist - Technology

  • 76.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 8 days ago

    @Brian Jones That is correct. Genesys Cloud supports returning 200 execution data instances per query. It is important to note that Genesys Cloud cannot guarantee that the query returns the most recent 200 execution instances. Our team is investigating ways to provide more predictability and increase the number of results. 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 77.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 8 days ago
    Edited by Brian Jones 8 days ago

    @Amelie Wisniak - Although I understand the 200 result limit and can somewhat accept the inability to guarantee the latest 200 results, it only seems reasonable to ensure results at least represent the last 24 to 72 hours max--not almost 2 weeks. For example, currently my Inbound Messaging results have only updated to June 27th. This isn't helpful if I'm monitoring or looking for trends at a macro level (without having to lookup each conversation individually.)

    That being said, this might be a great opportunity to add the ability for admins to launch the execution history for a single interaction from the Performance > Workspace > Interactions view (both the Interaction list and detail views.) In that case, 1) I wouldn't need to copy the Conversation ID & go into Architect to look it up, and 2) it would solve the issue I raised given I can filter/search better in the Interactions list view anyway.

    Brian T. Jones | Ascension | Senior Specialist - Technology

  • 78.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 8 days ago

    Thanks for sharing your feedback. We understand your concern with this limitation, and are exploring ways to improve your experience. 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 79.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 6 days ago

    @Michael Rigney We found the root cause of this issue. We have a fix for it that we are targeting for next week.

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 80.  RE: Beta - Advanced Architect Execution Data & Replay Mode

    Posted 6 days ago

    @Amelie Wisniak - Thank you for the update! I look forward to the fix! 

    Michael Rigney
    J. B. Hunt Transport, Inc.

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