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Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

  • 1.  Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 04-11-2024 15:50
    Dear Community Members,
    The Architect data tables user interface updates feature team is pleased to launch a beta on Monday, April 15, 2024.  

    Genesys Cloud is updating the Architect data tables in the user interface views to provide a more visually intuitive experience. 

    We are currently looking for organizations that meet the following criteria to participate in this Beta:
    • Active Data Tables user (weekly basis or more)
    • Willing to provide feedback on the updated user interface
    • [Optional] Unconventional Data Tables use cases

    This beta phase is an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the updated interface and provide feedback before it becomes generally available. Your feedback will help us understand concerns and refine the user interface before we make it available to everyone. 

    If your organization would like to be considered for participation in the Data Tables User Interface Update Beta, please complete this enrollment form

    Thank you for being part of our community, and we look forward to your feedback.


    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 2.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 04-12-2024 09:39

    Very excited for this update! Can you share what the new UI looks like?


    Charles Briere
    Paxyl Solutions

  • 3.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 04-13-2024 09:03

    Totally agree with Charles, would be great to have a look with some screenshots before be included in Beta. Thanks!!!👍

    David Fradejas Tomás
    Sabio Ibérica, S.A.

  • 4.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 04-15-2024 16:29

    Thanks to all interested beta participants! You will find some screenshots of the Data Table updated user interface below.

    The beta has now started, and organizations are progressively enabled. We look forward to hearing your feedback! 

    Data Table View

    Data Table Row Creation

    Data Table Import

    Data Table Creation

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 5.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 04-16-2024 03:32

    Hi Amelie, 

    I don't see any particular differences apart from a more user-friendly interface. Have you considered any relevant improvements, such as allowing the use of regex expressions for table field entry validation, or similar?

    Thanks in advance.

    David Fradejas Tomás
    Sabio Ibérica, S.A.

  • 6.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 04-16-2024 13:53
    Great question! 
    You are correct, our goal is to update the interface to set the foundations for future user experience and navigation enhancement. It does not include new capabilities or major user experience enhancement.  

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 7.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 05-10-2024 03:41
    Edited by Jero Meseguer Alcain 05-10-2024 03:51

    Hi @Amelie Wisniak, @David Fradejas Tomás

    I am very interested in these changes on the dataTable as I think they need improvements, not only in the filtering of fields (when there are many records) but in the use and searches also in the "data table lookup" actions inside the incoming call flows. Thanks in advance.

    See my ideas, please



    Jero Meseguer Alcain

  • 8.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 04-24-2024 11:29
    Edited by Brian Jones 04-24-2024 11:30

    I echo @David Fradejas Tomás here with respect to the interface & usability itself--pretty straightforward and consistent with the other views that have been updated with the same look/feel. Our organization heavily uses data tables, and so far the usability updates are fair and we haven't experienced any issues. Like David though, our organization is anxiously awaiting operational improvements like those mentioned in this idea.

    That being said (and to @Robert Wakefield-Carl point regarding the "Importance of Beta Testing Participation"), we wanted to bring up a couple usability suggestions and a minor quirk that exists in the old & new data table versions. Figured both might worth addressing while you're under the hood:


    1. Open any data table and filter the list to a single/specific record.
    2. Click the 'Export Data' button and notice how the dialog box says it is exporting a single row.
    3. Proceed with the export and you'll notice the entire table is exported instead of the single record.

    This isn't a showstopper by any means, but is a bit misleading. While we're on the topic of exporting...


    • If you select specific rows in the list of data table rows and then click 'Export', only the selected rows should be exported--not the entire table.
    • If you select multiple data tables in the data tables list, the system should individually export all of the selected data tables (currently the Export button greys out when you select multiple data tables.)

    Brian T. Jones | Ascension | Senior Specialist - Technology

  • 9.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 05-02-2024 14:27

    Hi @Brian Jones,

    Thanks for sharing! Your feedback is indeed essential to us. 

    We now have a fix for the data table export modal showing the wrong row count when opening from the rows view. We are hoping to release it next week. 

    We've also shared your usability suggestion with the rest of the team, along with the operational improvements reminder.


    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 10.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 04-17-2024 06:41
    Edited by Jan Heinonen 04-17-2024 06:41

    Hello Amelie,

    Some initial feedback after testing it out a bit.

    1. Personally I don't think you need a delete (trashcan) on the end of the table row, since a Delete button is already present on the top.
    This makes it to easy to delete the whole table by clicking and confirming it, instead of having to select the table checkbox and press a separate delete button.

    2. When you edit a row in a table and expand the input textarea beyond the size of the modal a side scroll appears.
    Assuming this is due to the up/down scrollbar appearing but that could probably be formatted differently to avoid the side scroll since the width of all inputs are still the same

    Jan Heinonen
    Contact Center Specialist
    GlobalConnect AB

  • 11.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 04-18-2024 09:33

    @Jan Heinonen Thank you for sharing! 

    Your feedback about the trash icon is being reviewed by our design team, and our engineering team is looking at the scroll bar issue. 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 12.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 05-02-2024 13:21

    @Jan Heinonen The scroll bar issue is now resolved. 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 13.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 04-24-2024 06:30

    Hi Amelie,

    thank you for adding data table name to viewing mode and for Refresh button. 

    I've tested a little the new interface, for what is needed this six-square button? The field options are open even if I click to any part of the field area.


    Irina Milstein
    ITNAV-Pro Ltd.

  • 14.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 04-24-2024 10:48

    @Irina Milstein - In my experience in Genesys or other systems with similar buttons, those "six squares" you're referring to allow you to rearrange the order of the fields by clicking & dragging that field up/down. That being said, you technically can click on any part of the field and drag it up/down--I presume the "six squares" are there to make it "known" that's how you can click/drag.

    Brian T. Jones | Ascension | Senior Specialist - Technology

  • 15.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 04-24-2024 15:01

    @Irina Milstein, @Brian Jones is correct. They are visual indicators showing that you can reorder custom fields. 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 16.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 04-22-2024 13:23


    Is there any way to get the interface to remember what page the listing is on so when you go into a table and you click back to the listing, it remembers what page you are on at the bottom?

    When we have data tables with LONG fields, I like the new item listing that does not fill the entire screen for one record.  Thank you.

    I am not a fan of the pop-out entry page.  I preferred the Excel-type entry we had before.  

    With Export, import, and delete buttons at the top, would it be possible to have an edit button?  

    Robert Wakefield-Carl
    ttec Digital
    Sr. Director - Innovation Architects

  • 17.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 04-22-2024 14:20
    Edited by Amelie Wisniak 04-22-2024 14:36

    @Robert Wakefield-Carl,

    Thank you for sharing your feedback! We are glad you enjoy the long fields interface update. 

    Do you mind sharing what you prefer with the full-page creation? Regarding the edit button, we currently display the edit button on the data table row. How would adding this edit button be beneficial to you?  

    We shared your suggestion to remember the data table page. I noticed you have created an Aha idea for this. We suggest all interested users vote for it in the Genesys Cloud Ideas Portal


    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 18.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 04-22-2024 14:27

    For the edit button, purely just convenience.  If I select a table, I have those options up top, but to edit it, I have to click the hamburger and the pencil. Seems like the edit button would be better for ADA as well.

    As for the full page view, I just like to see the table as a table and I can see other rows as I am editing a new row - like when I need to copy and paste from one row to the other.  With the new one, I have to copy, add, paste, close, copy, open, paste, etc. 

    Robert Wakefield-Carl
    ttec Digital
    Sr. Director - Innovation Architects

  • 19.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 04-24-2024 15:03

    Understood. Thanks for sharing @Robert Wakefield-Carl

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 20.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 04-25-2024 11:18

    Having just joined the beta, I wanted to add my positive opinion for the UI changes.  They are subtle enough that infrequent users won't notice, but helpful enough that those who use it regularly will appreciate the updated typeface and appearance. Two thumbs up from me.

    Marty Hand
    National Domestic Violence Hotline

  • 21.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 05-02-2024 13:53

    Glad to hear, thanks for sharing @Marty Hand

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 22.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 04-25-2024 17:35

    The updates look good, nice and fresh. 

    It would be good whilst you are making amendments to this side of the platform to be able to do the following around table management:

    • Change the format for an existing field - incase of error and need to amend an integer to string for example
    • Ability to delete a no longer required column - i.e if the column is no longer needed, currently no way to remove this which can make a data table untidy. 


    Gerard McGlynn
    Workforce Management Consultant
    IP Integration Limited
    United Kingdom

  • 23.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 04-25-2024 19:16

    Just adding to what Gerard has put here around the format change, currently if I change the "display name" for a field, the underlying schema field name doesn't change.  That makes things confusing if you're using the API for managing data tables.

    I'm also hoping the wildcard or partial search functionality is coming.  But I'd also like to see if it isn't already the "bug" fixed where it remembers the search you put in one data table and then displays that same search when looking at a completely different table.

    Vaun McCarthy

  • 24.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 04-26-2024 00:13
    Edited by Paulo Mesquita 04-26-2024 00:13

    Can you design this new UI component to be consistent with the data type icons used in Architect.

    Paulo Mesquita
    One New Zealand Group Limited

  • 25.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 04-26-2024 00:56
    Great catch.  You would think that marketing or PM management would create a common icon library.  If you think this is inconsistent,  look at all the download icons with ups and downs and different icons.  You would think that Genesys had different companies working on code.  What is so hard about a icon lexicon for all the teams?   Genesys - I apologize for the tirade, bit this is so easy to fix.   



    Robert Wakefield-Carl

    Sr. Director – Innovation Architects

    T: 949-268-5104

    C: 310-350-2010




    Subscribe to  ttec Digital Thoughts


  • 26.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 05-02-2024 13:47

    @Paulo Mesquita @Robert Wakefield-Carl Great catch, indeed! We've updated the icons and we are targeting a release next week. 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 27.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 05-10-2024 15:42

    Icons have been updated! 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 28.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 05-02-2024 13:35
    Edited by Amelie Wisniak 05-02-2024 13:41

    Thanks for sharing! We have a fix coming to empty the search field when looking at a different table. 

    Regarding the display and schema name and search, you may want to vote for the following ideas:


    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 29.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 05-10-2024 15:46

    Good news! The issue where the search is displayed when looking at a different table is now fixed. 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 30.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 04-30-2024 03:45

    Hi Amelie,

    We joined the beta just today and here are some of my thoughts.

    • Overall a good design and view of the tables, especially the search function.
    • I have always have had issues that once you work on a specific datatable and come-out of it, you looks the page that you were on. And it seems the same issue still where if you had searched for a set of tables, then open a specific table and come out of it, you are taken to the top of the main datatable page and look the searched option that you did earlier.
      - ideally it should remember what happened on the previous page like a search and what page the screen was on before a datatable was opened for view/edit.
    • Would like to have ability to search the whole of the datatable data and not just the "key" element. Ability to have a free text search will help to find specific data quickly in a table that can have a lot of data. In our case we have tables what have 1000+ rows of information and for us to search for a specific item, we have to download it first, search in excel and then change what we need, not ideal !
    • I would also like to see the ability to change the field names within the datatable. yes this would also mean we may need to republish flows.

    We will continue to review this more in next few days and update if we have any additional comments or issues.


    Vineet Kakroo
    FIL Fund Services (Bermuda) Limited

  • 31.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 05-02-2024 14:09

    Thanks for sharing! We are happy to hear you like the new design and search function. We shared your feedback with the rest of the team. 

    Based on your feedback, you may be interested in the following ideas: 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 32.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 04-30-2024 16:49

    Adding to the already noted comments here are my own recent points based on a quick view:

    • Can we please make the column sizes when viewing a data table re-sizable?  It would be good to be able to shrink some column widths if it makes the columns we're more interested in visible.  Clicking on the border between columns to drag and resize is what I'm hoping.
    • Expanding on the above, the ability to have column/field names when looking at all rows word-wrap.  In some cases the field name is longer than any values within that field so it would be nice to not have that take up screen space unnecessarily.
    • Probably out of scope of this but is it possible for a "lookup" field type in there where we would select what type of object to lookup and it then references those objects in a drop down?  ie, I say "Queue looup" and it gives a drop down with the list of queues, or I select data table lookup and I can specify another data table and then can select the key from that one.
    • Ability to edit the key field rather than having to create a new row and delete the existing one.  That could come with an additional warning prompt in case a specific key and row is a dependency elsewhere.
    • Ability to create a data table directly from import file, similar to outbound campaign contact list, where a header row contains field names.  You'd need some mechanism to tell what type of field each is but that could be part of the import process.

    Vaun McCarthy

  • 33.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 05-02-2024 14:23

    I've shared your feedback with the team. 

    In the meanwhile, you may be interested in the following ideas: 

    You may want to create ideas for your lookup field type suggestion and the ability to create a data table when importing a file.  

    Thanks again!

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 34.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 05-10-2024 15:41

    Dear Customers and Partners,

    Thank you for participating in this beta! 

    Our beta phase has come to an end, and we're immensely grateful for your invaluable feedback.

    We're targeting to make this Data Table user interface update generally available starting on May 20th. 

    Thank you for being part of this journey! 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 35.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 05-22-2024 10:55


    We weren't in the Beta and I know it's now just in GA but I'm not sure if you're still taking feedback.

    It would be great to get a "Filter" button in the main Data Table list view to allow you to filter your tables by Division. We can basically search by the name, and nothing more.

    James Dunn
    Pitney Bowes Inc.

  • 36.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 05-28-2024 13:52

    Hi James,

    We are always interested in feedback. I'll pass this along to the team but I suggest creating an idea on our idea portal. 


    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 37.  RE: Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Posted 05-28-2024 16:44

    Hi Amelie!!

    I would like to share two ideas for improving the datatables experience...

    1)  colums could follow custom regex format capable

    2) Be able to import new data table schema with CSV file,  without create columns manually.

    David Fradejas Tomás
    Sabio Ibérica, S.A.

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