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  • 1.  Bot Flow > Intents (connect to database)

    Posted 02-02-2024 03:50
    we just start looking into voice bot, and we are trying to look for a good solution to manage the intents or 'keywords'
    but seem that to add the intents, it need to add it in the Architect and we need to keep on improving the keywords as it goes . 
    so we are wandering is there a solution to query the intents from datatbase or external database ? so is much more easy to manage the keywords.
    as the Queue owner can go in and manage their own intents keywords without our intervention . if not we will have to keep on editing the Architect everytime there is an update in intents 


    Intel Corporation

  • 2.  RE: Bot Flow > Intents (connect to database)

    Posted 02-02-2024 03:53

    sorry , is Utterances ....

    Utterances under intents

    Intel Corporation

  • 3.  RE: Bot Flow > Intents (connect to database)

    Posted 02-25-2024 23:44

    @Alex Goh

    Did you find a way to use data table to update utterances? 

    Vincent Sabolboro
    ATB Financial

  • 4.  RE: Bot Flow > Intents (connect to database)

    Posted 03-03-2024 19:29

    we are still searching for solution, but there is no solution .... for now ... seem that if we want to use the bot , either we need to have extra resources to manage the  'keyward' or we need to train the call center team for genesys knowledge to they can manage their own keyword, but by doing that whoever in the call center operation team assigned the job will need to become CX Architect Specialist and if need to become Architect Specialist the person also need to learn CX admin ... seem is an uphill task  

    Intel Corporation

  • 5.  RE: Bot Flow > Intents (connect to database)
    Best Answer

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 02-28-2024 23:08

    I don't think that is possible, I don't believe there are APIs that that allow for this.

    You might want to raise an idea on the ideas portal

    Keep in mind though, utterances are not just for simple strings, you can do slot fulfillment with them for example to capture additional information that allow for self service or providing the agent with more information. Especially where the customer has proactively provided that information so you don't have to ask for information already provided. And that would be much harder to manage in a data table for example.

    Also generally speaking if you are using any bot product, you would normally have someone or a team that administers the bot, does the tuning, checks the health, looks for mismatches and recognition failures and do all that sort of bot work, rather than giving it out to supervisors to do, as this can directly impact your customer experience and you really want that to be done by an expert.

    Just my two cents, and I'm fairly new to bots myself so take it with a grain of salt. 

    Anton Vroon

  • 6.  RE: Bot Flow > Intents (connect to database)

    Posted 03-03-2024 19:26

    we are trying to let the call center to manage their own  'keyword' , if not  , it will increase our workload by manage the day to day call center operation ...

    Intel Corporation

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