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Dashboards UI Beta

  • 1.  Dashboards UI Beta

    Posted 06-28-2024 15:32

    Hello everyone,

    Genesys Cloud Analytics team is excited to announce the beta release of new dashboard UI feature for the community. This feature introduces new responsive layout with the size of widgets adjusting automatically based on the metrics and visual data they display.  The goal of this feature is to ensure better visibility and easy access to dashboard's data while saving time on layout decisions. For more details, please refer to the announcement here:

    Click here to apply for this beta

    Please note that the sharing feature (sharing dashboards with work teams and individuals) will not be part of this beta but will be included in the GA release of this feature.

    Once accepted to the Beta, Genesys will enable this feature for your organization and reach out for the feedback!

    Thank you and looking forward to your participation!


    Nikhil Ponnam
    Principal Product Manager, Genesys Cloud CX

  • 2.  RE: Dashboards UI Beta

    Posted 28 days ago

    Thank you for the link, @Nikhil Ponnam. This is helpful. 

    What is the estimated timeframe for Beta and GA?

    Nicki Dehn
    AAA Club Alliance Inc.

  • 3.  RE: Dashboards UI Beta

    Posted 27 days ago

    @Nicki Dehn- we are targeting end of July for GA.


    Nikhil Ponnam
    Principal Product Manager, Genesys Cloud CX

  • 4.  RE: Dashboards UI Beta

    Posted 27 days ago


    This one isn't showing up under "Betas now registering" on the Community main page....

    Paul Simpson
    Views expressed are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.

  • 5.  RE: Dashboards UI Beta

    Posted 26 days ago

    Hello, does a Dark Mode exist? We've received some verbal feedback from customers expressing their dislike for the bright white interface, and they've indicated that they won't be selecting 'Stay Here'. Could you please verify this?

    Paul Kendrick
    Telstra Limited

  • 6.  RE: Dashboards UI Beta

    Posted 26 days ago

    I completely agree with you. I am not a fan of the bright white background and prefer the dark mode because its easier on the eyes and differentiates it from other open workspace tabs. Can we please get a dark mode?!?!

    Nicki Dehn
    AAA Club Alliance Inc.

  • 7.  RE: Dashboards UI Beta

    Posted 26 days ago

    The theme used to be darker, but it was lost during some "improvements" a while back. The lack of Dark Mode has been the cause of some heated debate!

    Please see this idea and vote on it.

    Paul Simpson
    Views expressed are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.

  • 8.  RE: Dashboards UI Beta

    Posted 26 days ago

    Thanks for this, Paul. We have created some dashboards, in Q2 this year, and they have all been in dark mode so I was unaware they were supposed to display differently until this was posted.

    Nicki Dehn
    AAA Club Alliance Inc.

  • 9.  RE: Dashboards UI Beta

    Posted 26 days ago

    I should mention that the previous discussion (and that Idea) related specifically to Architect, but the same principles and reasoning applies to every part of the UI.

    Paul Simpson
    Views expressed are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.

  • 10.  RE: Dashboards UI Beta

    Posted 26 days ago

    Thanks @Nicki Dehn, @Paul Simpson, @Paul Kendrick for the feedback. Dark mode is not in this feature as noted here:

    We understand how important the optionality of selecting the dark or light modes is while using dashboards. Enabling dark mode option is one of the high priority features on the product roadmap and we are working on getting it out as soon as possible.


    Nikhil Ponnam
    Principal Product Manager, Genesys Cloud CX

  • 11.  RE: Dashboards UI Beta

    Posted 21 days ago

    Realistically when would Dark Mode be implemented considering pretty much everyone wants this and it has been brought up several times during other UI changes?

    I personally feel that it's much more important with dashboard, considering how they are used (on TV screens) and they are dark today.

    A lot of customers will start complaining this goes GA and I don't quite understand how Dark Mode hasn't made it into the scope to avoid annoying customers.

    Jan Heinonen
    Contact Center Specialist
    GlobalConnect AB

  • 12.  RE: Dashboards UI Beta

    Posted 21 days ago

    Hey Everyone!

    OK, so I should start out by saying I am totally on "Team Dark Mode", but more than that, I believe in giving the customer / user a choice. That being said, I stumbled across this video that discusses Dark vs Light Modes and actually includes some research into it. Makes for interesting viewing...

    Paul Simpson
    Views expressed are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.

  • 13.  RE: Dashboards UI Beta

    Posted 25 days ago
    Edited by Cameron Stone 25 days ago

    Hi Team,

    Initial feedback from me
    1. Lack of Darkmode is very disappointing - I don't particularly like getting flash banged when I open a dashboard

    2. Please add the colour picker for warnings back how it was previously, the new colours that are available are very dark and don't stand out very much, I would prefer to be able to pick exactly what shade of Red/Green etc I want to use Screenshots below


    3. the lack of choice about how the widgets are displayed is not that great, i would like to be able to choose between have a set number of columns/rows and having it adjust based on the window size for example, the new design has the text shrunk on the screenshot below, however in the old version we have a set 4 columns and the text was bigger and much more readable

    Thanks Team

    Cam Stone


  • 14.  RE: Dashboards UI Beta

    Posted 24 days ago

    On a related note regarding the warning colors, it would be ideal to have each warning apply to a specific metric. For example, we have a single widget that shows counts or percentages of multiple metrics (e.g. Abandon, Answer, Offered). We only want the warning to apply to the Abandon metric, not all metrics in the widget, so adding that granularity within the Warning settings would be appreciated.

    I also agree with @Cameron Stone's feedback regarding the widget display options (item 3 on the list). For example, unless I go Fullscreen, use a much higher resolution, large monitor, or stretch the window size, this is the best view I can get, which leaves an exorbitant amount of dead space. And even when I do use Fullscreen, large monitor, etc, I still cannot manually move/drag the widgets side by side. Would be nice if the widgets were resizable/movable horizontally in a grid fashion.

    Brian T. Jones | Ascension | Senior Specialist - Technology

  • 15.  RE: Dashboards UI Beta

    Posted 20 days ago
    Edited by Nikhil Ponnam 20 days ago

    Thanks @Brian Jones for the feedback.

    Can you please log an idea for your suggestion on selecting a different color per metric on the dashboard? That'll help us gather votes and any additional feedback. We'll evaluate it as part of the idea intake process.

    For the second point, were you not able to drag and drop the widget in the selected white space being the "edit layout" mode?

    Nikhil Ponnam
    Principal Product Manager, Genesys Cloud CX

  • 16.  RE: Dashboards UI Beta

    Posted 19 days ago

    Thanks for responding @Nikhil Ponnam. I have added my suggestion to

    Regarding moving the widgets around in the Edit Layout mode, although I can click/drag the widgets around, they will only drop above/below the other widgets, not next to them as shown in your screenshot. And believe me--I've tried tirelessly to make them, haha. I have even tried Fullscreen, stretching the window size across 3 monitors, and moving all of the widgets to the top of the dashboard--no avail. If there is a trick to it, it truly shouldn't be that complicated to figure out.

    Brian T. Jones | Ascension | Senior Specialist - Technology

  • 17.  RE: Dashboards UI Beta

    Posted 18 days ago

    @Brian Jones - thanks for the clarification. We will look into this and I'll get back to you.


    Nikhil Ponnam
    Principal Product Manager, Genesys Cloud CX

  • 18.  RE: Dashboards UI Beta

    Posted 20 days ago

    Thanks @Cameron Stone for the feedback.

    We are working on making the dark mode option available as soon as possible.

    For # 2, the color picker has been updated in order to support both the light and dark modes in future. When the optionality of selecting light or dark mode is available and if the user switches from light to dark or vice versa, we need to be able to automatically map the selected colors to the appropriate counterpart in the dark/light mode, for visibility and accessibility compliance. That won't be possible with the current color picker. The available colors in this beta feature are darker because of the light background but, along the same lines, the lighter colors will be available for the dark background.

    For # 3, automatically adjusting the layout is one of the main aspects of this feature to avoid situations like the need for horizontal scrolling that is a possibility with the current dashboard format, but I do understand your point about the smaller text as a result of this auto-adjustment. We are evaluating the features of manual widget sizing and font size specification to enhance this experience.


    Nikhil Ponnam
    Principal Product Manager, Genesys Cloud CX

  • 19.  RE: Dashboards UI Beta

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 25 days ago

    On the old dashboard we could have a metric span across the entire screen, as a header/footer

    New dashboard, doesn't seem to allow this. This was a really useful feature to highlight/track what is most important and it is missing from the new UI. 

    Anton Vroon

  • 20.  RE: Dashboards UI Beta

    Posted 19 days ago

    Nikhil and Team, 

    I would like to start by saying thank you for the update efforts for the dashboards. We are excited to see more interest being placed into them and their functionality! 

    I duplicated one of my dashboards and upgraded it to the beta version for some side by side comparison and made some initial observations. I apologize if any of this has already been stated and we are just re-treading already covered points. 

    1. The overall layout is less predictable due to differing screen sizes. Now instead of three widgets across we get 4, which will just require a slight reworking of the widget layouts and/or which widgets we have on the board. BUT, it does resize very well!. In my screenshot below on this point, I don't show the column count "issue" as that is mostly a very "us" thing and how we had this dashboard originally laid out. 

      • Usually we find that dashboards are setup for very specific reasons/needs and naturally the person who creates the dashboard arranges the data in a specific way. Whether that be for visual presentation or grouping of data sets. This meticulous layout can be lost when someone else views the board on a differing screen size. 
      • A way to address this could be to offer the builder the ability to either have a fully dynamic board or a structured board. When entering into the 'Edit Layout' screen maybe there could be an option to enforce a specific number of columns within the board.

    2. The text feels a point or two smaller.

      • When just glancing at the board, the text is harder to read. Yes, I am using a dark mode plugin for my browser, but with or without, it feels the same. The text is more "cramped" in styling, making it a little harder to read. 

    3. I like that we can take out the "Time in Status" column in the agent widget, helps condense it a bit.

      • The only extra commentary I can give to this is the text for the statuses being displayed at the top I would like to see be a little bigger. Again, looking at the easy to read points from before.
    4. the Waiting / Interacting lists show as a scrollable element, but doesn't really show anything extra with the scrolling, so I would like to see it not scrollable at all.

      • I would rather see just a snip of information here than a scrollbar to try to see all the points from the filter. Maybe if a scrollbar would be enacted, instead cut off the rest of the information and at the bottom add some text like "Displaying X of XX records." something like that. 

    5. The answered graph doesn't expand all the way across the board. 

      • This might be a bug? I feel like a graph like this should expand across the full board if it's the only widget on the line. So maybe the ability to manually set a fixed size or amount of slots for a widget?

    6. The ability to add a blank box to the board. 
      • This goes back to visual presentation and layout of a board. Sometimes we only want specific widgets on a row and want a gap between them visually. Being able to add "spacers" would be great. 
    Beta board on the left. Classic board on the right.  
    Thank you for your time and consideration, 

    David Quiram
    National Domestic Violence Hotline

  • 21.  RE: Dashboards UI Beta

    Posted 18 days ago

    @David Quiram - thank you very much for the feedback, greatly appreciated. We are evaluating options to address these points. We will reach out for further clarification, if needed, and provide an update as soon as possible.


    Nikhil Ponnam
    Principal Product Manager, Genesys Cloud CX

  • 22.  RE: Dashboards UI Beta

    Posted 14 days ago

    Hi, I applied for access to the Beta last week. 
    I haven't had a confirmation however whenever I try and add a metric to our existing dashboard when it comes to Queues, I am met with the following: 

    I also have the same issue when trying to add a new Alert rule. 

    Not sure if this is because I have entered the Beta or another issue I need to log a ticket for. 

    Can I have confirmation if I am in the Beta or not? That would help identify if I this is the cause. 


    Glen Tylee

  • 23.  RE: Dashboards UI Beta

    Posted 14 days ago
    Edited by Daniel Cross 14 days ago

    Hi Glen, I thought I'd throw out that my organization is experiencing the same issue.  Ours started when we joined the beta.  We are told that it is not beta related, we left the beta and the issue persists.  What we were advised last week is that it is do to a Chromium update.  Genesys is looking into a temporary fix. 

    Here is a link to the discussion in the developer forum.

    For a workaround, we have found that the desktop app isn't affected.

    If you're in the beta, you'll see buttons in the bottom right corner to change between the old and new version.

    Daniel Cross
    Bright Horizons Family Solutions LLC

  • 24.  RE: Dashboards UI Beta

    Posted 14 days ago

    Hi @Glen Tylee, the beta has not yet been activated for your org. It should be done shortly, and I will confirm once its done.

    As Daniel mentioned, the issue you experienced seems to be the same browser-related issue that Daniel reported.


    Nikhil Ponnam
    Principal Product Manager, Genesys Cloud CX

  • 25.  RE: Dashboards UI Beta

    Posted 13 days ago

    Our organization was just added to the beta.  One problem noted already is the Agent status.  Showing me as Available, but it is using the icon for Idle (blue unfilled circle) and is including my account both in Available and Idle.  I have tried with Available primary state only (at login) and also changing secondary phone state.  It is still including me in Idle and wrong icon.

    Incorrect status icon and included in Idle

    Paul Studeny
    Siemens Healthineers AG

  • 26.  RE: Dashboards UI Beta

    Posted 12 days ago

    @Paul Studeny - Sorry for the confusion. As a result of Direct routing feature released last week, the routing status of idle and presence status of available are both being shown on the dashboard's agent status widget. We are working on updating the logic in the cases where direct routing is used and that would fix this issue by not showing the blue circle if the user is Available.


    Nikhil Ponnam
    Principal Product Manager, Genesys Cloud CX

  • 27.  RE: Dashboards UI Beta

    Posted 11 days ago

    @Nikhil Ponnam I'd like to clarify your update. We have several customers that are NOT using Direct Routing or UI Beta reporting the same issue as described above by @Paul Studeny

    Can you please confirm that the logic update you referred to, will rectify this issue for such customers. If so, what is the timeframe for this?

    Scott Bradshaw
    Telstra Limited

  • 28.  RE: Dashboards UI Beta

    Posted 11 days ago

    @Scott Bradshaw - Sorry for the confusion. This is the same issue reported as cases # 0003528083, #0003530434. As you noted, this issue is not related to UI beta. 

    The update to the logic/potential solution I referred to in this thread, is being evaluated in the context of these cases. We don't have a timeframe for this yet and our support and engineering teams are actively working on it. The updates will be posted to the respective cases.


    Nikhil Ponnam
    Principal Product Manager, Genesys Cloud CX

  • 29.  RE: Dashboards UI Beta

    Posted 13 days ago

    Hi, I see that I now have access to the Beta for the dashboards, which is great. 
    However I have noted that some people do not have access to the new version, and I can't see anywhere that mentions any specific permissions required for access to this. 
    Are there permissions required to get access to this beta feature in our Org? 

    Glen Tylee

  • 30.  RE: Dashboards UI Beta

    Posted 12 days ago

    @Glen Tylee - No new permissions are required for this. Users can preview the dashboards in the new UI, only for the ones owned by them. Once they select "Stay Here" in the preview mode, the dashboard will be permanently converted to the new UI. After the conversion, if the dashboard is public, others will be able to see them in the new UI.


    Nikhil Ponnam
    Principal Product Manager, Genesys Cloud CX

  • 31.  RE: Dashboards UI Beta

    Posted 12 days ago

    Converting a dashboard to the new UI keeps the default sizing of the widgets relatively the same, but only for 3xX tiled or less.  If you have 4x or more horizontal format set on the original dashboard and select Preview Dashboard, it is changed to 3x only.  This wastes considerable space on the dashboard. and now owners have to readjust the whole dashboard and are now forced to 3xX or less.

    Adding a new widget or creating new widget in a new dashboard, does not allow the same tile alignment or even a manual size adjustment.  A large amount of space on the dashboard is wasted.  All new widgets except for Chart are now 2/3 of the dashboard horizontal size by default.  Why was this size picked for the design?  You cannot get horizontal "tiles" of widgets unless you have maximum screen or very large monitor and high resolution.  So adding new widgets effectively allows only vertical stacking, again wasting a good portion of space on the dashboard.  Why was the tile mode function abandoned for the new UI?

    Because of the forced 2/3 widget horizontal size, there will be far more vertical scrolling required with this UI change.

    When changes were made previously, the fonts were made too large for the small widgets with no adjustability.  Many users and organizations complained about this.  Now, the fonts are much smaller.  Would seem that a font size adjustability function would have been a good thing to include.  Example would be within the widget itself, you could set the default font size and then have a scalable toggle. If Scalable set to ON, the font size would change based on the scaled metric size.  

    Dashboards have been dark mode only since the beginning, so why would Genesys believe that this should have been abandoned in the initial UI redesign?  I understand you are working on dark mode but having the dashboard in all white is a bit blinding to users.

    Another issue that has been long-standing is only the owner of a dashboard can edit it.  There should be an ability to set a co-owner or delegate that can also edit the dashboard or allow an Admin the ability to edit dashboard or allow Admin to "assign new owner" when a dashboard owner leaves the company or changes roles.

    Was there a Customer user group that was involved prior to beta rollout?  My experience thus far with Genesys Beta's has been once it is in Beta, there will be no changes to the design.

    Based on testing thus far of this beta, I would disagree with the statement "we are improving your dashboard experience" that shows at the bottom of the screen.  Definitely far more negatives than positives with this UI change. 

    The only two positives I see thus far:

    1. Finally have a vertical scroll bar for the agent list
    2. Widgets are relatively scalable when sizing the Genesys application screen.

    I would assume this was not designed to allow an organization to disable using the new dashboard UI?

    Paul Studeny
    Siemens Healthineers AG

  • 32.  RE: Dashboards UI Beta

    Posted 11 days ago

    @Paul Studeny - this is great feedback and thanks a lot for that. The detail you provided greatly helps us understand the pain points experienced from the perspective of daily usage. And we are looking into various options to address these points. 

    To provide additional context on the points you raised:

    • Regarding the layout for 4x widgets horizontally on the current UI vs new UI, you are right that certain widgets can take up to 2 or 3 slots depending on the content. And if these widgets can't fit in a single row, they wrap to the next line. Since one of the goals of the new UI is to enable users see the data without having to scroll horizontally, the auto-sizing number of columns taken by the widget works towards that goal. That is causing white spacing issues as you noticed, in certain cases. As an example, full screen view of the layout with 4x single-column widgets looks the same in both the UIs, whereas the layout changes with the double-column widgets, for the same screen size. However, I understand your point on how that is causing a confusing experience and we are working on options to address the white space issue without compromising on the responsiveness. We will continue to iterate on the experience in order to optimize this space while avoiding horizontal scrolling.

    • On the font issue, that's a great suggestion. We are looking into something similar where there is an option between default or manual font size selection, to provide a way to increase the font size based on the widget configuration.
    • On the ownership of the dashboard, we have an idea on the roadmap to address that gap: Allow admin to edit any dashboard within | Genesys Cloud Ideas Portal (
    • The design decisions are based on extensive feedback shared by users through multiple channels and while the new UI does not encompass all the features required to address the feedback, with this, we are laying the framework to quickly deliver the high priority/top-voted features on the roadmap. But I understand and acknowledge that there are gaps in this design that are not working well in some use cases and our goal is to address these gaps to enable a seamless transition from the current format to the new format.


    Nikhil Ponnam
    Principal Product Manager, Genesys Cloud CX

  • 33.  RE: Dashboards UI Beta

    Posted 11 days ago

    Nikhil,  thank you for your response.  The auto-sizing of the widgets is a good start, but when you create a new dashboard in the new UI, the metrics (excluding Chart) are 2/3 the width of the dashboard, so that is even more "wasted space".  98% or more users do not use Dashboards in maximum view.  Even very few managers use Maximum view.  Agents use the dashboards for two reasons:  1. To view other staff members status (to coordinate efforts).  2.  To see calls in queue.  So dashboard owners always put queue metrics (calls waiting), on the left portion of the dashboard, so when Interaction left menu is active, you can still see the left most widgets of the dashboard and also the agent list on the right.

    A better "default" size would have been 50% of dashboard width (unless Chart), to minimize wasting screen real estate.

    Again, I am not sure why the block format was abandoned (2x, 3x, 4x, etc).  Or at a minimum allow up to 4x.  To just abandon this to try to reduce horizontal scrolling is not sufficient justification for this change.  Also, is there some reason you decided the dashboard owners could not size the widget themselves?  At least to a minimum size?

    Back to the main topic.  Since this change is in Beta, does this mean that Genesys is going to push it to GA as is, or is Genesys going to make some improvements and restart Beta for additional feedback?

    I ask this because of the flawed GA of Division-Aware Secondary Phone States.

    Paul Studeny
    Siemens Healthineers AG

  • 34.  RE: Dashboards UI Beta

    Posted 7 days ago

    Thanks again @Paul Studeny for the insights. To your question on whether or not there are going to be changes addressing some of these points before GA, we are evaluating options for what can be done pre-GA and post-GA. We'll post an update here once we determine the next steps.

    Nikhil Ponnam
    Principal Product Manager, Genesys Cloud CX

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