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  • 1.  Email Script - Input variable from Participant Data or Transfer to another emaiil flow

    Posted 03-27-2024 07:33

    I have a use case where an incoming email interaction will first be handled by a Triage Queue.  I have a script where that agent sets some variables, which are written as Participant Data.

    They then need to transfer the email to a different queue.  The goal is to have the variables entered by the Triage agent presented to the agent of the subsequent queue.  

    My initial thought was to create a 2nd script, and assign it to Queue 2 as the default script, but I don't seem to be able to pull the data from Participant Data.  My second thought was to have the Triage Agent transfer the interaction to another flow, which can then pull the data, and assign as input variables on the subsequent script.

    I can't seem to locate tools to accomplish either of these.  

    Is there a way to accomplish this that I'm missing?

    Thanks all!


    Tom Mullen
    Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH

  • 2.  RE: Email Script - Input variable from Participant Data or Transfer to another emaiil flow
    Best Answer

    Posted 03-27-2024 17:35

    Hi Tom,

    This is certainly possible, pretty common to send across for example a customer number on transfer.

    You can use the set variable as an Input/Output, or you can use DataActions to write/retrieve participant data in a Agent Script.

    You absolutely can also set those in a flow as well. One of the really important things is the key/name of your attribute has to be EXACTLY the same, it is lower/uppercase sensitive. 

    If you are not finding any luck with this, let me know, and I'll put together some screenshots for you.

    Anton Vroon

  • 3.  RE: Email Script - Input variable from Participant Data or Transfer to another emaiil flow

    Posted 04-02-2024 10:26

    Thanks Anton.

    I'm successful writing the attributes into Participant Data from script 1.  And Flow 2 is successful in retrieving that data, and presenting it along with script 2.

    Where I'm struggling is getting script 1 to transfer to Flow 2.  I'm trying to use the Transfer action, and created a variable within the script with the name of the flow (ie: Flow%20Test@localhost).  

    I've also tried transferring from script 1 direct to Queue 2, and assigned script 2 as the default script for that queue, but when Queue 2 receives the interaction, it is still Script 1 that is presented to the agent.

    Tom Mullen
    Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH

  • 4.  RE: Email Script - Input variable from Participant Data or Transfer to another emaiil flow

    Posted 04-02-2024 15:07

    Now I haven't tested this out fully, but have seen this happen where on transfer to another queue direct the agent script and all the updated values from the script are carried over to the transfer agent, I think this is by design to share the information on transfer providing context to the transferred agent.

    Now we don't always want that, and want to present the information differently to the second agent. Now I've spent a lot of time simplifying our Agent Scripts down to 1 or 2 scripts used, but on the downside there is a lot of variables controlling visibility of UI elements alone. So pick your poison. But I don't have much at the moment in the way of transferring and requiring different scripts, so a little outside my current experience.

    However transferring to a flow with flowname@localhost certainly has worked for us. - What happens when you do to this? Does it just not do anything at all? Does it transfer, but doesn't update the script?

    Anton Vroon

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