Hi Cherri,
I'm glad you're excited about quality metrics being available for agent scorecards.
As for your questions:
1- The Default Profile is being used for a number of things, e.g., it serves as a place for metrics that are copied to other profiles and then updated automatically based on the metric in the Default Profile. It's currently not possible to deactivate the Default Profile and set it to inactive (like custom profiles) or to designate a different profile as the default. Please feel free to add this as an idea to our section on the Ideas Portal: https://genesyscloud.ideas.aha.io/ideas?project=WEGPM
2- We are planning to implement this, but this feature has not been rolled out yet. However, we are actively discussing where to include this on our roadmap. The corresponding idea is https://genesyscloud.ideas.aha.io/ideas/WEM-I-194 To help us prioritize this feature, please feel free to add your vote as well as anything specific you would like us to consider once we'll be working on this.
3- Could you please explain this a little bit further, specifically how you would see this report being distributed? Is that something you would expect somewhere inside of Genesys Cloud, e.g., in the Inbox of supervisors? Or is that something more like a weekly or monthly email? Or something entirely different?
Thank you!
Eduard Roehrich
Senior Product Manager
Gamification, Engagement and Performance Management
Original Message:
Sent: 12-01-2023 08:10
From: Cherri Lindquist
Subject: Gamification Points
Good Morning!
We have been holding off on rolling out gamification for our entire contact center due to it not including quality metrics. Now that it is available, we are excited to move forward with creating some friendly competition! I have a couple of questions that I am hoping the community can help me with.
1- Is there a way to get rid of the 'default' profile and/or set a certain program to be the default? It's frustrating to have to select the one needed from the drop down menu each time. 
2- I thought an enhancement was rolled out to weight the points based on amount of time worked. I have staff that work from 5-40 hours per week. When looking at their point total - some of my best agents look like they aren't due to the amount of hours worked. Is there a setting or something we need to change?
Better Agent but works part time
Full time not as good as above agent

3- Is there a way to set up automatic reports to be sent to management weekly and monthly?
As always, thanks in advance for your advice!
Cherri Lindquist
Clinical Director of Nursing
Company Nurse, LLC