You could have your administrative accounts in a separate ACG than your users and only give your "IT Admins" access to the ACG that has the regular users in it.
We use ACGs for this extensively as we have multiple different entities on the same platform and allow them to do their own moves/adds/changes, limiting them to their own Access Control Group.
Aaron Lael
State of Utah - comments on this forum reflect my own personal opinions\observations and are separate from any entity I am otherwise involved in.
Original Message:
Sent: 01-24-2023 15:07
From: Pavel Broska
Subject: How to limit permision not to delete system account in Users container
Hi All,
I'd like you to ask you for advice. There is request to allow access to Interaction Administrator for IT people. Intention is to create "Role" e.g. "IT Access", which has administrative control (to add, delete or modify) just Users, Skills, Workgroups and Wrap-Up containers. But not to allow to delete "IC Admin" Master account.
Can you give me advice how to limit permission in Users container just to view but not to delete Master account?
Thank you for help
Pavel Broska
Alcasys Slovakia a.s