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  • 1.  I'd like to pick your brains about Bots...

    Posted 05-22-2024 13:28


    Like a lot of us, I guess, I am involved in moving some of our customers from Web Chat to Web Messaging. This has led to some confusion regarding Bots, so I was wondering if anyone can offer any perspectives on the following? (At this stage, we are trying to provide as close to a "like-for-like" as we can.)

    1. This may seem like an odd question, but what is the actual difference between a Bot and a Digital Bot? I would assume that one is for Voice and the other for Digital channels, but that does not seem to be the case. I have an Inbound Chat Flow that is calling a regular Bot to get input from the visitor. Is there any benefit in doing this over using a Digital Bot?
    2. In general, is it preferable to transfer to the Bot and only leave once all of the Q&A with the visitor is complete, or is it better to have multiple Bot instances, each of which asks a single question, and then process the results in the Inbound Flow?
    3. In general, is it preferable to have multiple Bots, or a single Bot with an initial Switch statement that switches based on an input parameter to provide varying functionality.
    4. One of the requirements that I am seeing quite a bit revolves around Out of Hours support. When someone attempts to initiate a session Out of Hours, they are told the Contact Center is closed, and given the opportunity to request a callback. The problem is that if they leave the webpage without answering the question, the bot seems to hang waiting for a response. Worse still, if they rejoin later, it carries on where it left off (waiting!) What we want is to be able to say something like "We are currently closed, please try again during business hours. If you would like us to call you back, please press 1" (or whatever.) With Chat, closing the web page ended the interaction, but with messaging, it doesn't. Why doesn't the "Ask For Slot" operation in a regular Bot time out when on a text interaction?



    Paul Simpson
    Views expressed are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.

  • 2.  RE: I'd like to pick your brains about Bots...
    Best Answer

    Posted 05-22-2024 14:08

    1) Bot flows can be invoked by either call flows or digital flows, but digital bot flows can only be invoked by digital flows.  While bot & digital bot flows support most of the same actions, digital bot flows do have some unique actions:

    4) If you use a digital bot flow instead of a bot flow, you get the option of deciding what to do when the no input retries max is reached.

    Melissa Bailey
    Genesys - Employees

  • 3.  RE: I'd like to pick your brains about Bots...

    Posted 05-22-2024 14:31

    Thanks, Melissa, very helpful!

    Are there any financial advantages / penalties for using one over the other?

    Also, any thoughts on Q2? Some of the Flows I'm translating go through the whole "back and forth" methodology, which just seems excessively complicated to me...

    Paul Simpson
    Views expressed are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.

  • 4.  RE: I'd like to pick your brains about Bots...

    Posted 05-22-2024 14:55

    Pricing looks the same

    If you can do it all with a single bot flow session, that's better than doing individual bot flow sessions for each piece.

    Melissa Bailey
    Genesys - Employees

  • 5.  RE: I'd like to pick your brains about Bots...

    Posted 05-22-2024 15:05

    Thanks, Melissa.

    Very helpful advice and probably going to simplify things somewhat!

    Paul Simpson
    Views expressed are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.

  • 6.  RE: I'd like to pick your brains about Bots...

    Posted 05-23-2024 08:29

    Paul, we implemented Web Messaging (WM) in fourth quarter last year.   When we are closed, our messaging tells them we are closed and does not offer a callback and ends the transaction.  In that scenario, it never makes it to the queue.   In cases where a customer starts a message, we have a conversation with them via Web Messaging, and the customer leaves, that is honestly tough to manage, currently.   Our set up use to allow the customer to come back within 72 hours for the same issue, but we recently changed it to 12 hours.    You do that in the threading timeline, our IT department handles that piece of it.       What we were struggling with is that if the customer did not end the transaction, it hangs.  Similar to the way a callback use to hang.   The agent will appear to be working on several WMs at the time, however, one is just hanging there without being closed.

    Judy Jimenez, Call Center Operations Manager
    CURE Auto Insurance

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