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Post Call Surveys

  • 1.  Post Call Surveys

    Posted 04-18-2023 09:37

    I'm seeing information on web and email surveys, but is there a post call survey the customer can complete on the phone call just after speaking with the agent?

    I guess I could design a flow with specific inputs for my Likert scale (1 through 5) and set milestones that correspond to each possible entry, but not sure how that translates into reporting.

    Any ideas, or links to info?



    Nicki Dehn
    AAA Club Alliance

  • 2.  RE: Post Call Surveys

    Posted 04-18-2023 13:35

    Hi Nicki,

    Currently we do not support this capability and we don't yet have a date as to when we will.  We do realize it is an important feature and there are quite a few votes for it within the Ideas lab.  The idea number is WEM-I-764 if you'd like to vote on it and/or add in your specific use case.  You can also subscribe to that particular idea to get status updates.  Please let me know if you have any additional questions.


    Michele Fisher
    Genesys - Employees
    Director, Product Management

  • 3.  RE: Post Call Surveys

    Posted 04-18-2023 15:35

    Thank for this. I will check it out!

    Nicki Dehn
    AAA Club Alliance

  • 4.  RE: Post Call Surveys

    Posted 04-18-2023 23:46

    Hi Michele

    What's the main holdup with this one please?  As great as having appfoundry partner products is, this particular idea is quite old now and was something functional in Engage many years ago.

    Vaun McCarthy

  • 5.  RE: Post Call Surveys

    Posted 04-19-2023 03:33

    I agree with this post. It's such a standard feature and companies who are already paying a lot for the Genesys solution don't like having to pay more for an app that should already be included in the system.

    Nicholas Squires
    Motor Insurers' Bureau

  • 6.  RE: Post Call Surveys

    Posted 04-19-2023 06:38

    Hi Vaun,

    There are 2 aspects to this:
    1) Support in our media/signaling tier to automatically transfer the customer to the survey flow at the end of a call
    2) Automated generation of a new survey flow type to play the prompts and capture survey inputs

    We're lining up both aspects for later this year and have prioritized it as next in our quality roadmap.


    Rakesh Tailor
    Vice President, Product Management
    Recording, Quality, Survey, Speech and Text Analytics
    Genesys Cloud

  • 7.  RE: Post Call Surveys

    Posted 04-19-2023 16:51

    Hi @Rakesh Tailor and thanks for the information. 
    Will the automatic transfer consider variables before transferring, such as the opt-in that Charles mentioned in their previous response?

    Nicki Dehn
    AAA Club Alliance

  • 8.  RE: Post Call Surveys

    Posted 04-20-2023 07:02

    Not sure yet.  But something to consider in the design.  How would you use those variables?  Note that the survey will be tied to the interaction, where variables can be stored in participant data or the External Tag.

    Rakesh Tailor
    Vice President, Product Management
    Recording, Quality, Survey, Speech and Text Analytics
    Genesys Cloud

  • 9.  RE: Post Call Surveys

    Posted 04-18-2023 14:02

    Hey Nicki,

    I recommend reaching out to @Andy Pandharikar at They have a solution that might work for you! 😉


    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

  • 10.  RE: Post Call Surveys

    Posted 04-18-2023 15:35

    Thanks, Paul. I'll discuss with Jared and see how he wants to proceed.

    Nicki Dehn
    AAA Club Alliance

  • 11.  RE: Post Call Surveys

    Posted 04-18-2023 15:24

    Hello Nikki,

    Commerce.AI does this requirement. We are a premium application in AppFoundry. Here is the link for our App Foundry Page: 

    Commere.AI Voice Survey: 

    Happy to show you a demo. Please let me know what works for you,. 

    Jay Acosta,

    Jay Acosta
    Tall Idea Labs DBA Commerce.AI

  • 12.  RE: Post Call Surveys

    Posted 04-18-2023 15:36

    Thanks, Jay.
    I will discuss with my manager first and will be in touch should they wish to proceed with a demo.

    Nicki Dehn
    AAA Club Alliance

  • 13.  RE: Post Call Surveys

    Posted 04-18-2023 19:23

    Yes, of course. Let us know. Thank you.

    Jay Acosta
    Tall Idea Labs DBA Commerce.AI

  • 14.  RE: Post Call Surveys

    Posted 04-19-2023 09:10

    We are doing this today inside using a flow like you suggested. Each response is then saved as a variable under the 'set participant data', and we concatenate all of the previous responses as it moves through the flow. That way when they are finished with the survey, you have a complete set of data for each question, and the response they chose. 
    We then setup an agent script with a button that is labeled "Disconnect", but actually performs a blind transfer to this survey flow. The agents are then trained to click this "disconnect" button when they are finished with the call, and it transfers the call to the survey flow. 
    In the main part of the IVR, we ask the caller if they would like to complete a survey, and if they choose yes, we tag a variable. Then when the call is transferred to the survey flow, we check that variable, and if they chose "yes", we continue with the survey flow. Otherwise, we disconnect the call. 

    Charles Skowron

  • 15.  RE: Post Call Surveys

    Posted 04-19-2023 16:45

    Hi @Charles Skowron and thanks for this information. I forwarded this to my manager and he had some questions:

    1. How does aggregated reporting look though in relation to this approach?

    2. I know we can set flow milestones for each question and track/report that way, but is there another way to report than that?

    [Milestone reporting is limited in that while we can see aggregated results, we can't filter interactions by milestones, if we wanted to find a specific phone survey response. We can only filter based on outcomes (of which we are limited to 100 outcomes total)] 

    Do you have any additional feedback/insight to share?

    Nicki Dehn
    AAA Club Alliance

  • 16.  RE: Post Call Surveys

    Posted 04-20-2023 01:22

    Hello Nicole

    Also an option to write the survey results from the flow (flow explained by Charles) to a data table and results can be periodically downloaded from the data table. Additional data can be included such as date/time, interaction ID, queue, agent name etc. 

    There is a 5000 default row limit to data tables but it can be increased by Genesys support at request.

    The data table is updated using a data action in survey flow and architect API = /api/v2/flows/datatables/{datatableId}/rows   

    Some manual management needed for this option (download results and periodically clear the table) but it has been helpful for a number of client scenarios. Would be possible to further automate this data management via API.

    Thanks and regards
    Blair Wilkinson
    CVT (Global) Pty Ltd

  • 17.  RE: Post Call Surveys

    Posted 04-20-2023 02:35

    Perhaps it would be a good idea to check the github that is mentioned in this discussion:
    We build a survey menue in an inbound flow, take the answer if the caller may take the survey or not as participant data. Place a new button "end call" in the script. From that button transfer to the survey flow. Depending on the participant data either end call with participant data no, start survey with participant data yes. So the decision is not on the agent. The survey is a combination of flows, data actions and a data table (as described in the github). We had to do some work to make the whole thing working (with the help of another community member) but the good thing is you get the results into the normal survey reporting in workspace.

    Thomas Repking
    Canada Life Group Services Limited

  • 18.  RE: Post Call Surveys

    Posted 04-20-2023 09:09

    The problem with using Data Tables is that you have to create a Data Action to call the API and if you are processing a lot of surveys, you can run into Rate Limits.
    Additionally, there is no inherent reporting, so you end up having to export the data and analyze offline.
    Data Tables are not intended to be used in this way, they are supposed to be used for lookups 😉 and so are essentially read-only (without the API anyway!) from a flow. If you need to store information like this, my advice is to write it directly to an external data store - either a CRM, or a dedicated database with a REST front-end. This would be no more complex from the Architect perspective and be much more flexible / higher performing on the back end.
    Alternatively, as others have suggested, write the data to Participant Data and then call the API from the reporting solution to scan through interactions and grab the data.

    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

  • 19.  RE: Post Call Surveys

    Posted 04-20-2023 08:55

    We are using set participant data - not flow outcomes / milestones. So you will need to use a reporting / BI tool to pull the data from Genesys using the analytics API's and from there you can get the aggregate reporting based on each question, or individual reporting per interaction. Also, since the data is still tied to the specific interaction, you can pull the aggregate data based on the queues, and/or agents etc if needed as well to see if there are trends between specific agents / teams, or queues etc.  

    Charles Skowron

  • 20.  RE: Post Call Surveys

    Posted 04-20-2023 16:59

    Use participant data to save survey result, if agents have interaction view permission in Genesys cloud, they can view the survey result in the participant data list. There is some concerns here.

    Lei Cao
    Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company

  • 21.  RE: Post Call Surveys

    Posted 01-31-2024 06:00

    We are using the button in the agent script to blind-transfer the call to a queue. In this queue, we are not adding any members. So it will go to the Inqueue flow. In that Inqueue flow, we are asking all the questions and collecting the responses using the collect input nodes. And we are storing the results both in the participant data and the external tag. We can export the interactions report itself with the external tag column to get the report in CSV format. Then we split the answers in Excel by using delimiters in the Text to Columns option.

    Thiyagarajan Keddal Murugan
    Herbalife International of America, Inc.

  • 22.  RE: Post Call Surveys

    Posted 01-31-2024 06:33

    Hello Thiyagarajan,

    I'm interested in attempting the format you've mentioned above - but with fairly intermediate architect skills, it would be really helpful to take a look at the flows if that is at all possible?


    Nick Squires


    Nicholas Squires
    Motor Insurers' Bureau

  • 23.  RE: Post Call Surveys

    Posted 02-06-2024 01:13

    Has anyone tried using a trigger on the events.user.end and run a workflow to transfer customer to a secure flow to collect the survey and then use the survey flow to score the already queued up survey?  Looks to me like it would work better than the chrome plug-in or disconnect button on the script.  Let me know if you get it working. 

    Robert Wakefield-Carl
    ttec Digital
    Sr. Director - Innovation Architects

  • 24.  RE: Post Call Surveys

    Posted 02-06-2024 04:03

    Hi Thiyagarajan,

    I took the same aproach. In addition I activated a policy that is starting the survey invitation. That invitation is send to an e-mail in genesys cloud, that is triggering an e-mail-flow. That flow useses data actions to read the results you wrote to the participant data and again writes the survey results via data action into the survey and closes the survey. With that you can use the full survey-architecture including NPS.

    Best regards,

    Christoph Domaschke

  • 25.  RE: Post Call Surveys

    Posted 02-06-2024 04:09

    Hello Robert,
    that's a great idea. I will try to implement that into my existing solution. This would avoid cherry picking. 

    Best regards

    Christoph Domaschke

  • 26.  RE: Post Call Surveys

    Posted 02-06-2024 05:18

    Just a note that the post call transfer capability is on track for availability by the end of March.  More details on that feature can be found by tracking the following idea:

    Also, work on Voice Surveys is in progress and we are aiming for availability as a Beta in late July.  For more details on that feature, track the following idea:


    Rakesh Tailor
    Vice President, Product Management
    Workforce Engagement Management (WEM)

  • 27.  RE: Post Call Surveys

    Posted 02-07-2024 02:14

    Just to give you this idea: I have linked these GitHub blueprints together: and; It was a lot of try and error and at the moment it's still in our dev, but what it can already do is: If I say "yes" to the survey in the original call, I'm automatically called back by Genesys a short time after the original call has ended, without any agent action. In the callback, the IVR completes the survey and the results are written to the original interaction.

    Thomas Repking
    Canada Life Group Services Limited

  • 28.  RE: Post Call Surveys

    Posted 02-09-2024 10:40

    Hi @Robert Wakefield-Carl

    I did use the trigger and created a workflow. However, we cannot initiate a call using data action in workflows without user context. The only way possible is to create a callback instead and have outbound dialer to answer the callbacks and send the voice calls which would act as a survey.

    Let me know if you know some other way of working this out.


    Somik Mukherjee

    Somik Mukherjee
    Etraveli Group AB

  • 29.  RE: Post Call Surveys

    Posted 04-16-2024 12:09

    Has anyone had success with initial testing of the new Post Call action from the April 15 release? Even with the new action in architect, ending a call doesn't send it to a flow. I've selected 'caller' as the target; it doesn't seem like it should be too complicated, but I'm stumped.

    Warren Smith
    ATB Financial

  • 30.  RE: Post Call Surveys

    Posted 04-16-2024 12:31

    Depending on what AWS region your org is deployed in, the update may not have made it yet. I believe the US East and West regions typically receive their weekly updates on Wednesday. 

    Charles Skowron

  • 31.  RE: Post Call Surveys

    Posted 04-16-2024 13:18

    We got it enabled last week in our ORG and tested it with no problems.  Essentially you initiate the Post-call function with one tool and there is another to cancel that.  Kind of like the Enable Participant Recording.  Once it is set with the first tool, you can define where the call goes after the agent disconnects.  

    Robert Wakefield-Carl
    ttec Digital
    Sr. Director - Innovation Architects

  • 32.  RE: Post Call Surveys

    Posted 04-17-2024 02:19

    Hi Warren,
    the Post-Call-Action works fine for me. I switched my after-call-survey from a button, that an agent had to click to the post-call-action and it works fine. Have you figured out, if the callflow is reached or if it breaks before transfer to flow?


    Christoph Domaschke

  • 33.  RE: Post Call Surveys

    Posted 04-23-2024 10:55

    Thank you all for your suggestions. It turns out that we had delayed our Edge upgrade until this past weekend so although we received the feature release, this one required the most recent Edge version. Everything is fine now!

    Warren Smith
    ATB Financial

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