Original Message:
Sent: 05-31-2023 22:43
From: Dhanalakshmi Vasudevan
Subject: Reporting on Transfer Destinations
Hi @Paul Simpson Thanks for your response. The agents transfer calls mostly to free-form numbers, a few external contacts. Thanks for your suggestion on checking the Interactions on the External contact. But since they transfer calls to Free-form number mostly, Is there a way to report on this? It's fine if it's not by queue.
Thanks & Regards
Dhanalakshmi Vasudevan
Global Speech Networks Pty Ltd (Australia)
Original Message:
Sent: 05-31-2023 15:19
From: Paul Simpson
Subject: Reporting on Transfer Destinations
Are you transferring to defined External Contacts, or are you using free-form numbers?
If you open up an External Contact, you can see interactions involving that Contact, which may be some of what you need. (It doesn't, unfortunately, analyze by queue...)
Paul Simpson
Eventus Solutions Group
Original Message:
Sent: 05-29-2023 20:20
From: Dhanalakshmi Vasudevan
Subject: Reporting on Transfer Destinations
Is there way to report on Transfer destinations of each call per day by queue? We can get the count of transferred calls from the Queue Performance view. But is there a way we can report on the actual transfer destinations?
Thanks in advance.
#QueueReports #Reporting/Analytics
Dhanalakshmi Vasudevan
Global Speech Networks Pty Ltd (Australia)