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  • 1.  Voicemail callbacks for internal/agent only queue

    Posted 01-19-2024 15:59


    I'm creating a new, internal only queue. The request is that after a set hold time, agents calling this internal queue leave a voicemail, which is added as a voicemail callback to the queue.

    I've set this up using the default "transfer to voicemail - queue" feature in Architect, but the default action uses ToPhoneNumber(Call.Ani) so when an agent answers the voicemail, since there's no TN/ANI, they can listen to the voicemail and see which agent left the voicemail, but there's not a way to initiate the outbound interaction because the address is just a SIP address.

    I'm sure there's a get participant data action that can be used to pull whatever agent info is needed from the caller and then use that to initiate the callback to that user vs the SIP address, but I'm unsure how to do this.

    Can anyone provide any insight on the correct way to let an agent leave a voicemail callback and another agent answer the callback and initiate an outbound interaction to them without a TN being involved?



    Duncan Maloch, LLC

  • 2.  RE: Voicemail callbacks for internal/agent only queue

    Posted 02-16-2024 17:29
    Edited by Jose Albor 02-16-2024 17:50

    Hi Duncan, 

    If you expect all agents to call internally from a phone within the same org you won't need to evaluate the Call.ANI to take a different direction.  If you do need to make a determination, you can leverage a decision object in architect to evaluate if [ (Contains(Call.ANI) "SIP") or (Contains(Call.ANI) "@") ] the true path will go to the following logic I provide below, the false path will rout to the direction if you got a personal 10 digit phone number. 

    • Since the agent will be the only participant of these interactions you can create a call data action to query this end point:
      • /api/v2/analytics/conversations/{conversationId}/details
      • Input: Call.ConversationId
      • Output: Flow.UserID 

    I have attached a call data action I put together that will execute this for you. 

    This will query the current conversation Id for the participants within it and set the response value to Flow.UserID.  This is the agents Unique User Identification string.  You can add a find user by ID object in your flow and use Flow.UserID as the input, you can set the response to Flow.User.  Flow.User is an object variable, so you can use Flow.User.Name, or Flow.User.ID. You can see all the User Properties as you type in any expression field.  You can potentially post the following in a Set Participant Data object.

    • [0]
      • Property: Agent Name
        • [Expression]Value: ToString(Flow.User.Name)

    This should get you the agent's name who called, you can create another call data action against the user/details API endpoint, sending the Flow.User.Id for a response of the agents extension or other phone number field.  

    Good luck. 

    Carlos Albor
    Senior Principal PS Consultant

  • 3.  RE: Voicemail callbacks for internal/agent only queue

    Posted 02-20-2024 14:41

    Hey Jose,

    Thanks a bunch for the reply! I don't need to make a determination of internal agent vs ANI as this is an internal only queue with no inbound routing or DID associated, but thanks for the information on that if I need to use this somewhere else.

    Maybe I misunderstood your response, but I don't see any files attached to your reply. Was there supposed to be a call data action attached that I could import into my org? If not, I'll take what you said to a dev at Sonic to see if they can piece it together based on your response, but if you've already got something created I'd love to just import that.

    Thanks again,

    Duncan Maloch, LLC

  • 4.  RE: Voicemail callbacks for internal/agent only queue
    Best Answer

    Posted 02-20-2024 14:58
      |   view attached


    It looks like .json file types aren't allowed to be attached in this community forum, that was my fault. 

    I changed the file extension to .txt and uploaded it here to this reply.  Make sure after you download it, you change it back to .json before uploading it to your Genesys > Actions page. After you publish it in Actions, you can go to your architect flow and add the new Call Data Action there.  If you already had your flow in edit mode before publishing the new action, you will need to save the flow, then hit F5 to refresh the page.  You should see the new Call Data Action object, worse case just exist your flow and launch it again after saving it. 

    Don't hesitate to post a reply if you need any additional help. 

    Carlos Albor
    Senior Principal PS Consultant

  • 5.  RE: Voicemail callbacks for internal/agent only queue

    Posted 02-29-2024 09:10


    Alternatively, evaluating the Call.ANI to see if it contains "anonymous" or "@" or "SIP" would be so we can send the interaction down a true path.  In this true path, we'll execute a Data object > Collect Input.  Where the audio reads, "I'm having trouble seeing the phone number you're calling from.  Please enter a 10 digit telephone number where we can reach you."  You can pick and choose if you want to verify if the new phone number variable length is 10 and/or read back the phone number to them to verify it with a DTMF 1 for yes, or DTMF 2 for no.  This way, you can get their preferred callback number and verify they entered it accurately.  

    A colleague of mine also suggested you set your callback number to a dummy number, (i.e., 9999999999), so that it has value.  When the agent gets the callback, they can add another number by entering the associated calling user's name after pulling up the associated contact record.  

    Carlos Albor
    Senior Principal PS Consultant

  • 6.  RE: Voicemail callbacks for internal/agent only queue

    Posted 02-29-2024 11:42

    Hey Jose/Carlos (sorry, not sure which you prefer)

    I wanted to clarify something here just so we're on the same page - this is an internal only queue and no one calling it has a DID assigned in Genesys. No one will ever be calling from outside as there's no routing associated with this queue and I don't even have an inbound call flow, it's just the in-queue flow for basic logic (hold music/time etc) and  then the callback to voicemail.

    I greatly appreciate the data action you sent over. I uploaded it and it all looks good. Unfortunately, I'm no Genesys expert, nor am I a programmer, and have very little experience beyond the basics of call flows. I am able to reference the data action in Architect flows, but I'm a bit hung up on the input/output dropdown options for this and how to call the Flow.Objects you referenced in your first post. Do I need to be setting a specific input/output for the initial data action call to then be able to reference those later?

    Again, greatly appreciate the help!

    Duncan Maloch, LLC

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