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  • 1.  Who Hangs Up First?

    Posted 06-08-2023 10:30

    I think I understand the difference between Local Disconnect and Remote Disconnect, but how can we tell who actually hung up first?  Is it the segment that shows the Local disconnection?  


    [Rooney] [Sullivan]
    [Manager, Call Quality][Liberty Utilities]

  • 2.  RE: Who Hangs Up First?

    Posted 06-08-2023 20:36

    Hi Meg, 

    You will get disconnected party information in various logs.
    Assuming that you are suing PureConnect, you can see this information in CallLog or TsServer logs.

    For more detailed information, you can refer SipEngine logs which will show which party has send BYE.


    Subhash Srivastava 

    Subhash Srivastava
    SBI Shinsei Bank, Limited

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