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In this video, Guru discusses new feature, "Modify the default whisper tone in Architect" Administrators can now modify the Architect default whisper system prompt. This feature enables administrators to increase the amount of notice that the agents receive and therefore provide more context...
20230607_FeatureReview_CX_Open Platform_Modify the default whisper tone in Architect_GP.mp4
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In this video, Chris discusses two new features "Workforce management time-off requests user interface improvements". "Workforce management and HR Integration System (HRIS) integration" Genesys Cloud improved the workforce management time-off requests view. These improvements ensure...
20230607_WEM_time-off requests improvements & Introduction of HRIS integration_CV.mp4
In this video, Guru discusses the new feature, "Introducing static download links for export" Users can now download the scheduled export’s CSV from a static link. Users can leverage the dynamically configured UI views, and use the static link to reference the data within their preferred BI...
20230517_FeatureReview_CX_Analytics_Introducing static download links for export_GP.mp4
In this video, Rebecca discusses the new feature - Generative AI to summarize agent digital interactions Genesys Agent Assist provides generative AI to summarize agents digital interaction with customers. Agents can reduce ACW by using this summary during wrap-up. This feature uses generative...
20230426_FeatureReview_DX_AI_Generative AI to summarize agent digital interactions_RH.mp4
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In this video, Rebecca presents three new features on ACW Extend after call work (ACW) timeout settings to digital channels Administrators and contact center managers can now extend ACW timeout settings to email, message, and chat interactions. When administrators enable the Enforce...
20230315_FeatureReview_CX_Inbound_ACW Improvements_RH.mp4
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In this video Chris talks over high level gamification featres and functionality. Enhance performance management and encourage friendly competition around performance-based objectives with gamification. Use performance points and tracking to establish a clear coaching plan, create a...
In this video Guru talks about Performance Dashboards Improvements. Contact center managers and supervisors can now filter for their own dashboards in addition to the current availability and favorites filters. Managers and supervisors can now also select the Online Agents count queue metric...
FeatureReview_CX_Analytics_Performance Dashboard improvements_GP_20230118.mp4
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