A place to ask questions, connect with others, and stay in the know
In this video @Santosh Bhandari talks about the new Insights App for iOS. You can download Insights for iOS from the App store. Search for Genesys Cloud Insights. Supervisors can now use the new Insights app for iOS to monitor queues and agents in real time, even while on the go....
20240610_FeatureReview_CX_Unified Communication & Collaboration_Insights app for iOS_SB(1).mp4
In this video @John Sunder talks about the employee productivity improvements to Collaborate for iOS search experience Collaborate for iOS users can now benefit from a streamlined search process. This feature enables users to experience a more efficient search process with fewer...
20231129_FeatureReview_CX_Improved Collaborate for iOS search experience _JS.mp4