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Filter data by multiple topics in Topic Trend Summary and Agent, Queue, and Flow topic summary views
Supervisors and analysts can now apply filters to all data within the Topic Trend Summary and Agent, Queue, Flow topic summary views based on one or more topics. This feature enables supervisors and analysts to cross-reference topics and gain valuable insights into topic performance, especially in cases where multiple topics are evident. For more information, see Topic Trends Summary view, Queue Topics Summary view, and Agent Topics Summary view.
Content search enhancements
Supervisors can now sort content search columns, including date, duration, and sentiment score, in ascending or descending order. They can also layer multiple topics, words, or phrases using AND/OR and perform a complex search with a new filter limit. These enhancements enable supervisors to quickly locate specific interactions, cross-reference topics to gain valuable insights into topic performance, and provide a more effective and user-friendly content search. For more information, see Content Search view.
Agent connected duration, maximum evaluations per agent, and customized sampling criteria in agent evaluations
Administrators can now set the agent-connected duration, which defines the time from when the agent joins the interaction until they disconnect. Administrators can also select to generate evaluations for up to the maximum permitted per agent within a specific time period, and they can establish customized sampling criteria for these agent evaluations. This feature gives administrators increased options, and more control when they use the Create agent evaluations option in the Quality > Policies page. For more information, see Create a policy and Create evaluations by agents .
Improved voice transcription accuracy for Portuguese (pt-PT and pt-BR)
Genesys Cloud improved voice transcription accuracy for Portuguese (pt-PT) and Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR). For more information, see Genesys Cloud supported languages .
Bulk archive recordings through recording bulk action API
Administrators can now use the recording bulk action API to archive recordings in bulk. This feature enables organizations to archive past recordings on a large scale, especially when data storage allocations under the fair use policy reach or exceed the maximum limit. For more information, see Genesys Cloud Developer Center – Bulk delete\export of recordings.
G-Summit Benelux & Eastern Europe 2023Dec 12 | Conference
Genesys Cloud CX: Workforce Management (WFM), big picture overview
Dec 14 | Webinar
#Workforce Engagement Management