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Agents switching to Not Responding

  • 1.  Agents switching to Not Responding

    Posted 05-04-2022 23:58
    We are on a fully hosted Genesys Cloud. No local Edges. All hosted by Genesys. We have seen a significant increase in agents changing to "Not Responding" despite the fact that they are on auto-answer. All agents are using WebRTC. We have a case open. But, thought I'd give the heads-up here in case anyone else is having issues.

    In looking at one of the agents, her Chrome page starts blocking her microphone between calls. We change the Chrome setting to unblock the Mic and she started working for a while. Later, it stopped routing calls to her, but her mic was not blocked.

    At one point today, we had 7 agents with Auto-answer that went into Not Responding status. In talking to them, they said this problem started on Monday.

    Jeff Gaedke
    Goldman Sachs

  • 2.  RE: Agents switching to Not Responding

    Posted 05-05-2022 08:43
    We are seeing this issue on and off with our on-prem edges. Most often it seems to be related to the home-networking of the affected agents. Rebooting the end-user device, and their internet/wifi gateway, etc. usually addresses those cases.
    Every 3 months or so we have seen a larger call routing issue that is fixed only by rebooting our edges. In this case, agents are showing as Available / On Queue, but are not routed calls. The number of affected agents grows over time, so it seems to be some kind of resource issue/leak on the edges. Unfortunately, Genesys support has yet to determine a root cause.

    Sven Schiller

  • 3.  RE: Agents switching to Not Responding

    Posted 05-05-2022 11:56
    We have also seen this (fully hosted Genesys Cloud) 

    Beyond this specific issue, I noticed there are a lot of instances where phones are Alerting for several seconds before being auto-answered.  This seems to be spread among different reps, not always the same people.   Alert time can range from half a second to 15 seconds (then Not Responding).  This variance causes grief for those trying to answer the phones and inflates the AHT just a little.  We opened a ticket but haven't heard back on it yet, it's frustrating.

    Kyle Peterson

  • 4.  RE: Agents switching to Not Responding

    Posted 01-03-2023 15:07
    Jeff- did you ever get a fix for this issue?

    Dawn Weston
    AvalonBay Communities, Inc.

  • 5.  RE: Agents switching to Not Responding

    Posted 01-19-2023 16:44
    We have had this happen a lot in the past two weeks as well. Are rebooting Edges what the actual fix is for this?

    Kara VanderBeek

  • 6.  RE: Agents switching to Not Responding

    Posted 01-19-2023 19:55
    We've had this going on since mid December.  We had Genesys clear the cache on our Edges last night but we were told this is a temporary fix.  We have been told "Genesys found a bug that is causing the Edge config cache to not get updated, resulting in station configuration issues."  The next release of the Edge firmware is supposed to have a patch, but there was no ETA given when that might be available.

    Brent Bucey
    AAA Club Alliance Inc.

  • 7.  RE: Agents switching to Not Responding

    Posted 01-23-2023 04:45
    We have also seen this occurring on multiple orgs since mid December, it seems to have gotten worse since the beginning of January.  We haven't had any feedback from Genesys.  It is very interesting what you have said about the bug, will ask them about that on one of our cases.


  • 8.  RE: Agents switching to Not Responding

    Posted 03-15-2023 16:42

    We too had this from December, worse mid Jan but lately not alot.  Genesys support want fresh examples, network readiness test results etc.  
    We are region APSE2.  We have premise edges.  We had testers reproducing issue while working from home and connected directly to internet so not using any corporate dns as well as testers on corporate lan (premise) as well as VPN.

    I just want to figure out root cause.

    Paul Lewis
    Spark New Zealand Trading Limited

  • 9.  RE: Agents switching to Not Responding

    Posted 05-05-2023 15:16

    We too are experiencing this issue across mutliple environments, but so far there has been no admission from Genesys that an issue exists on their end. I forwarded a link to this thread to the Genesys engineer so we will see what comes of it.

    Have you found any work arounds to prevent agents from going into Not Responding status? Restarting the app or rebooting the PC seems to help for a short time, but the symptoms inevitably pop up again.

    Seattle, USA

  • 10.  RE: Agents switching to Not Responding

    Posted 05-08-2023 08:24

    Hi everyone - this certainly sounds like a frustrating issue so I'll see if i can do a bit of research to help diagnose the cause.  Could I ask you all to share any support case numbers you have on this?

    If you are willing to share conversationIDs, that would be helpful as well.  (I'd need the region and conversationID).  If you are more comfortable emailing me that data directly, feel free.  (

    Thank you,

    Chris Bohlin
    Sr. Director - Product Management
    Genesys Cloud

  • 11.  RE: Agents switching to Not Responding

    Posted 05-08-2023 09:12

    We've seen a reduction in reported "Not Responding" agents after we changed how we were restarting our on prem Edge servers.  Originally we were taking them out of service, then doing updates manually.  We now just update the edges by selecting the update, and letting calls drain. We were told by Genesys back in Jan/Feb that there is a known bug that causes the Edges to "lose sync" when the Edge is taken out of service.  So anytime we need to do maintenance, we are required to restart all 16 of our Edges in order for them to sync correctly.

    The reason we were doing them manually was because we experienced issues where users were not migrating from their primary edge to a secondary quick enough and calls were waiting in queue even though we had agents available.

    Brent Bucey
    AAA Club Alliance Inc.

  • 12.  RE: Agents switching to Not Responding

    Posted 05-08-2023 09:17

    Hi Chris,  This has always been an issue for us in isolated cases and they have been resolved.  Unfortunately, on 04/27 this became a huge issue impacting about 20% of our active staff across multiple LOBs.  We are on Cloud.  The "workaround" that we received from Genesys was to toggle the agents site in phone management or rebuild their phones.  This was effective but isn't a realistic solution for our number of users.  We were told that it was impacting multiple customers across uswest but no official communcaiton was ever sent from Genesys.  We received notification yesterday that some resoltion had taken place and that they would be monitoring for a few days.  We are still receiving a few reports since then.  Here is our case number:  Genesys Case #0003291451. 

    Melodie Brandle

  • 13.  RE: Agents switching to Not Responding

    Posted 05-09-2023 11:10

    Melodie - while time consuming - it would be worth reporting any new issues you see to allow us to understand if the original issue from 4/27 has been resolved or if there are lingering problems (or this is something new).  I'd encourage you to report what you can to care.

    Chris Bohlin
    Sr. Director - Product Management
    Genesys Cloud

  • 14.  RE: Agents switching to Not Responding

    Posted 05-10-2023 12:22

    Hi Chris,

    We opened Genesys support case # 0003263086 via our service provider TTEC Digital. I believe you will find conversation IDs and console / network logs associated with the case. We are on Cloud and all our agents use the desktop app (for screen recording functionality) and are configured for auto-answer. The issue is present with users across multiple environments, including in-office, work from home, and with our third-party vendor working from another state. Based on dynamic view reporting, the issue seems to be impacting anywhere between 20% - 40% of agents daily. We have rebuilt WebRTCs and user profiles with no improvement.

    Something we have noticed is that sometimes the desktop app begins to lag in the lead up to the "Not Responding" message
    . That is, when a call comes in it takes a few seconds longer than normal for the client to connect to the ACD. Within the next few calls, the lag time builds up to the point that the connection attempt exceeds the timeout (we are set to the default 12 seconds) at which point the client shows the "Not Responding" message. There have been cases where the console is capturing logs and once the "Not Responding" occurs the console window is completely white and non responsive. This lag occurrs across an array of client hardware specs and network environments. We have reproduced the issue running Genesys in the browser as well.

    We are in the process of trying to capture more console logs and are working to setup PerfMon on a couple of our repeat offenders' PCs.

    Thank you for giving this issue your attention!

    Seattle, USA

  • 15.  RE: Agents switching to Not Responding

    Posted 05-11-2023 08:29

    Thanks for the details, Brady...this one is going to be WAY over my head - but I'm at least happy to check in with Care to see where they stand.  Hopefully we can get this resolved for you soon.

    Chris Bohlin
    Sr. Director - Product Management
    Genesys Cloud

  • 16.  RE: Agents switching to Not Responding

    Posted 05-12-2023 14:54

    Brady - I spoke with care today and the case you shared only reports a single issue for a single agent - far from the high percentages you listed out here.  Could you please get the case updated with more information and examples so we can see if this is something significantly more serious here?


    Chris Bohlin
    Sr. Director - Product Management
    Genesys Cloud

  • 17.  RE: Agents switching to Not Responding

    Posted 05-11-2023 10:06

    Hey Brady,
    I don't know if you are aware, but Genesys have now release a Browser Helper to allow screen recording without using the desktop app. Might be worth having a play with it to see if the issue is related to the app?
    Just a thought...

    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

  • 18.  RE: Agents switching to Not Responding

    Posted 11-22-2023 14:22

    Hi Brady - Have you gotten any answers on this? We're having the same issue and we are fully hosted using the browser version.  This happens mainly for our agents in Barcelona and Hong Kong connecting to USW2 so it could definitely be a network issue for us.  


    Carlos Alonso
    Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

  • 19.  RE: Agents switching to Not Responding

    Posted 11-25-2023 13:06

    Hi Chris,

    our agents are facing this issue everyday. Agents are alerted and auto answer is on. However, agent goes to not responding.

    Naren Guntupalli

  • 20.  RE: Agents switching to Not Responding

    Posted 05-08-2023 10:48

    Hi Jeff, does this occur during busy hours ?  We had a similar case and it ended up being an Edge Scaling issue.

    John Korn
    Johnson & Johnson

  • 21.  RE: Agents switching to Not Responding

    Posted 11-24-2023 13:10

    Hi Jeff

    We have had this too.

    Our inactivity timeout feature of Genesys is set to 8 hours, which means if agents don't click 'Log off' at the end of their shift, but just close the laptop lid, or shut the browser for example, it thinks Genesys is still running. So when the agent starts the shift the next day, a few hours in it will say 'Not responding' and to make eligible for interactions, this is due to the inactivity timeout kicking in.

    We have put a big push on agents logging out correctly and it has seemed to help. It could be the same thing?

    Shauna Gibson
    Motability Operations

  • 22.  RE: Agents switching to Not Responding

    Posted 01-09-2024 11:02

    Hi @Jeff Gaedke

    We have identical setup except we are using the Genesys Cloud app due to screen recording requirement. Have you identified what is causing the issue?

    Vincent Sabolboro
    ATB Financial

  • 23.  RE: Agents switching to Not Responding

    Posted 03-29-2024 15:01

    We are seeing a similar issue, but with a bit of variance.  We are an auto answer as well, we had an agent who forgot to go off queue and went to lunch without locking their computer while WFH.  The agent had multiple calls route to her during the lunch hour, not once did the agent get put in not responding. The call would end when the member would hang up the call after getting nothing but silence, since the agent only has 3 seconds of ACW before automatically getting put back on queue this happened the entire lunch hour. Does the fact the agent was not scheduled to be on queue have anything to do with this?  I attempted to test this theory today by having the agent mute her headset and lock her screen while on queue but the system never put her in not responding.   I do see that she has been in not responding at least once in March so wondering what is causing the inconsistency. 

    Pablo Flores
    Sr WFM Manager
    Security Service Federal Credit Union

  • 24.  RE: Agents switching to Not Responding

    Posted 03-30-2024 13:45

    They would no go into not responding as they have answered the call with auto answer

    My experience of not responding when working from home is poor internet connection at the point Genesys is trying to connect to the WebRTC.  I have found that persistent connection really helps

    Andy Jackson
    Ten Lifestyle Management Limited

  • 25.  RE: Agents switching to Not Responding

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 04-01-2024 08:38
    Edited by Garrett Gardner 04-01-2024 08:38

    We use three different BPO's to service our contact center. All 3 vendors are using WebRTC. Two partners use remote workers spread across the United States, the other vendor is offshore but uses a brick and motor with in-office staffing. We find that remote workers run into the agent not responding with an auto answer turn on far more often than the agents that are in the office. We almost always find that the at home workers have a less than desirable internet provider and poor persistence with their internet connection, some have switched providers the issue and went away from them.

    Garrett Gardner

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