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Interaction Desktop Painfully Slow on Win 10 Ver 1709

  • 1.  Interaction Desktop Painfully Slow on Win 10 Ver 1709

    Posted 12-14-2017 17:08
    We found that the update from 1703 where clients ran fine to Win 10 Pro Ver. 1709 Build 16299.125, the Desktop and Business Manager clients now consume allot of CPU and run incredibly slow. Our desktop support people say its particularly this build of Win 10. Both clients consume almost all the CPU on a Core i5-6500 CPU @ 3.2 Ghz with 8 gigs ram installed. Dell standard desktop computer. Logs do show a high number of Took Too Long Warnings. The same software and specs on a Windows 7 - no performance issues at all. The clients are quick and snappy. Any ideas or comments would be awesome! Changing or adding views or normal navigation is almost impossible. CIC2017 R2_P1 is what we're running. Carbon Black or CB Defense is our virus solution and things do not change when the AV is bypassed or disabled. Any ideas or thoughts would be great! More details. I have uninstalled all default Windows 10 apps as possible, Cortana as well. Privacy settings tweaked as much as possible but seeing extreme latency and high CPU in the desktop application. This is an enterprise windows tower so no weird stuff. Thanks Guy

  • 2.  RE: Interaction Desktop Painfully Slow on Win 10 Ver 1709

    Posted 12-18-2017 21:30
    We found that .Net Framework 4.7.1 seem to bring all Interaction Applications to a crawl. We reverted back to 4.7.0 and have not investigated the issue further with I3. The update was pushed out in the November MS release, we found it in KB4033342.

  • 3.  RE: Interaction Desktop Painfully Slow on Win 10 Ver 1709

    Posted 12-18-2017 21:35
    Thank you! I will try that. I just started down the long slow road of a ticket with Genesys. Guy

  • 4.  RE: Interaction Desktop Painfully Slow on Win 10 Ver 1709

    Posted 12-20-2017 20:46
    May I ask more details? How will you stop a future Win 10 build/update? Or your just waiting to see if more customers experience this and Genesys reacts? thanks Guy

  • 5.  RE: Interaction Desktop Painfully Slow on Win 10 Ver 1709

    Posted 12-21-2017 14:32
    Our current solution, which isn't very scalable, is having the known patches that upgrade .Net to 4.7.1 excluded in our patching system. With each new patch release by Microsoft we are reviewing to ensure none of them upgrade .net From my original discussion with Genesys i was told that .Net 4.5.0 or higher is supported, but that .Net isn't something actively being updated in new releases. So we can do troubleshooting and if they discovered 4.7.1 is causing problems with existing releases they probably wouldn't release a patch fixing it. I got the impression that Genesys is moving away from .net and doesn't want to spend alot of time with trying to resolve issues with it. At the time i opened the ticket, they had no other Customer reporting it and were pushing back that it was something in our environment. Since i had a temp solution in place and right now don't have them time to go down the Log Rabbit hole with them, i have put investigating it on the back burner but hope early next year to pick it back up again. Thank you, Scott.

  • 6.  RE: Interaction Desktop Painfully Slow on Win 10 Ver 1709

    Posted 12-21-2017 19:28
    Just did a Webex with Genesys to demonstrate the issue and things are starting to wake up over there. Thank you very much for your assistance! Communities ROCK! Guy

  • 7.  RE: Interaction Desktop Painfully Slow on Win 10 Ver 1709

    Posted 12-22-2017 19:35
    If you go look at the windows OS section of testlhttp://testlab.inin.com/ProductsPage.aspx?ProductType=20 You can see that there is a note of a minimum version of CIC to support windows build 1709. However as I dig around a bit more there seems to be some indication that Windows 10 build 1709 (fall creator update) is not supported until 2018 Rx.

  • 8.  RE: Interaction Desktop Painfully Slow on Win 10 Ver 1709

    Posted 12-22-2017 19:45
    Ok. I'll dig around as well. Thanks Guy

  • 9.  RE: Interaction Desktop Painfully Slow on Win 10 Ver 1709

    Posted 12-27-2017 19:54
    Upgrading to 2018 R1 didn't help at all, tried that. Can anyone explain how to revert .Net 4.7.1 to 4.7.0? Thanks

  • 10.  RE: Interaction Desktop Painfully Slow on Win 10 Ver 1709

    Posted 12-27-2017 19:56
    Thanks for trying! That was my next move as well. Also, I do not know how to roll back to 4.7.0 either. Just an FYI, I have had a Genesys rep on a Webex to look at this. Ugh! Guy

  • 11.  RE: Interaction Desktop Painfully Slow on Win 10 Ver 1709

    Posted 12-27-2017 19:59
    Well, to be honest, it is somewhat better (CPU at 35 now as appose to 60) but still painfully slow.

  • 12.  RE: Interaction Desktop Painfully Slow on Win 10 Ver 1709

    Posted 12-27-2017 20:03
    Genesys will recompile the client with advanced logging to determine the cause what new gift from Microshaft!

  • 13.  RE: Interaction Desktop Painfully Slow on Win 10 Ver 1709

    Posted 12-27-2017 20:27
    Great, please keep us posted. Thanks

  • 14.  RE: Interaction Desktop Painfully Slow on Win 10 Ver 1709

    Posted 12-27-2017 20:31
    Keep checking on how to rollback to 4.7.0. Anything we get from Genesys short of a hot fix will take time to roll out.

  • 15.  RE: Interaction Desktop Painfully Slow on Win 10 Ver 1709

    Posted 01-12-2018 13:57
    Originally posted by MarkT;36437
    If you go look at the windows OS section of testlhttp://testlab.inin.com/ProductsPage.aspx?ProductType=20 You can see that there is a note of a minimum version of CIC to support windows build 1709. However as I dig around a bit more there seems to be some indication that Windows 10 build 1709 (fall creator update) is not supported until 2018 Rx.
    If you see the note on a test lab "Validated on builds 1607->1709. build 1709 has high CPU utilization when trace level > 'status'" so considering that issue is related to (quote from Microsoft support site) Applications typically rely on StackFrame when they throw .NET exceptions. If this occurs at a high rate (more than 10 incidents per second), applications can slow down significantly (tenfold) and run noticeably slower than before. So if the trace level is low that should help But hope that Genesys will provide some more information and remedy. I'm really afraid on Media servers and Interaction Edge appliances impact...

  • 16.  RE: Interaction Desktop Painfully Slow on Win 10 Ver 1709

    Posted 12-28-2017 16:41
    So we found that 4.7.1 was installed on windows 10 via Patch KB4033393 and uninstalled that via Control Panel ->Program--> Programs and Features--> Installed Updates. We then had to download the .net 4.7.0 offline installer to reinstall 4.7.0 You can use the following Registry location to check the .Net framework Version installed. HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Net Framework Setup\NDP\V4\Full We are currently using 4.7.02053. Hope this helps. Thank you Scott

  • 17.  RE: Interaction Desktop Painfully Slow on Win 10 Ver 1709

    Posted 01-04-2018 14:08
    Genesys is now aware of the issue and is working on an SCR. In the mean time they provided this link to assist those who can follow these steps. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4057154/performance-of-system-diagnostics-stackframe-degrades-in-windows-10-17 Thanks Guy

  • 18.  RE: Interaction Desktop Painfully Slow on Win 10 Ver 1709

    Posted 01-04-2018 14:46
    Any word on if any of the versions of CIC have been patched so they don't slow down with .net 4.7.1? Originally I thought I saw CIC 2018 R1 was not impacted but then it looked like there were mixed results.

  • 19.  RE: Interaction Desktop Painfully Slow on Win 10 Ver 1709

    Posted 01-04-2018 14:55
    Actually, it more then likely would be all versions. Microsoft has changed the System.Diagnostics.StackFrame class. "Applications typically rely on StackFrame when they throw .NET exceptions. If this occurs at a high rate (more than 10 incidents per second), applications can slow down significantly (tenfold) and run noticeably slower than before." Therefore it could be any version. I'll post it as soon as I hear something. Guy

  • 20.  RE: Interaction Desktop Painfully Slow on Win 10 Ver 1709

    Posted 01-10-2018 16:57
    SCR IC-147820 is being developed but not visible at this time. It does not resolve those of us with users at WIN 10 Ver 1709 is what I have heard at this time. More details to come. Thanks Guy

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