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  • 1.  SingleSignOn with ICWS

    Posted 06-09-2016 12:26
    Hi, I am trying to add SSO functionality (WinAuth) to my app bulit using ICWS. I am using C# SDK wrappers from ICWS SDK for ICWS communication. Has anyone got win authentication working with ICWS? Can anybody provide sample code? (also if it is not in C#) I read the doc https://developer.inin.com/documentation/Documents/ICWS/WebHelp/ConceptualContent/GettingStarted_InitialSteps_Connecting.htm, but I can't figure our which classes (and in which order) I should use to obtain the token correctly. Thanks

  • 2.  RE: SingleSignOn with ICWS

    Posted 11-01-2017 23:12
    we did SSO authentication using following steps. 1.Used https://help.inin.com/developer/cic/docs/icws/webhelp/icws/connection/server-info/index.htm#resource api call to get the server info with property value singleSignOnCapabilities=saml2Post,saml2Redirect . 2. using the Result from first step, get provider Id for 'Windows Authentication' from authentication.identityProviders . 3. With this provider ID use https://help.genesys.com/developer/cic/docs/icws/webhelp/icws/connection/single-sign-on/identity-providers/(identityproviderid)/index.htm#resource to start the SSO

  • 3.  RE: SingleSignOn with ICWS

    Posted 06-29-2020 06:04
    Hi Lakshmi,

    we are facing challenge with SSO with ICWS. we are 

    using a pop up window to perform SAML 2.0 authentication as per the document (https://help.genesys.com/developer/cic/docs/icws/webhelp/ConceptualContent/GettingStarted_Connecting.htm#singleSignOn), then I receive a dialog box for me to enter Windows credential, once completed I receive the Single Signon token, and can use it to login to the Dialer.

    However I cannot get around with this Windows login. It seems triggered by IC server as part of SAML process. I checked some articles and it seems this first time login is a must. Could you advise if there is a way we can avoid from entering Windows credential?
    Its always asking me enter my windows credential again. i am not able attach image here.

    Raghav Gupta
    Accenture USA

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