Hi Konika,
I don't think there is a direct way to disable agent dial pad when he/she is in a conference call with IVR and customer. If there is something customer need to enter and authenticate to buy a product then i suggest to transfer/direct the call to IVR, when customer is done with authentication or entered the DTMF then route it back to same agent. The other approach will be, if your WDE or WWE is a custom build then on the code side have to identify the call is a con call with IVR app along with customer then based on IVR app name on conf call try to disable the keypad if it permits. I'm not sure about this feature, it is allowed or not. Just providing my insight. Hope this helps.
Ramu P
Global Technology Solutions, LLC
Original Message:
Sent: 12-05-2021 21:26
From: Konika Dey
Subject: Restrict Agent's DTMF/Keypad in Genesys Engage Cloud
I have an interesting requirement from my customer.
When Agent initiates a conference with IVR(play application block) along with customer, The input to the IVR application must be accepted only from Customer , where as agent's input should not be accepted.
This is to make sure that the authentication to buy a product is from customer and not from agent.
Therefore, I am looking for an approach where Agent's DTMF/Keypad should be disabled during the conference. Is there any way to disable the Agent's DTMF/Keypad during a call.
I need a solution for Genesys Engage Cloud.
Thanks for your interest!
Konika Dey