I agree with you that Infomart is showing what is happening and it is very useful as it help me to discover this behavior. I think I should reformulate the question, as I suspect that the email is moved to "in progress queue" automatically most probably by the routing script without agent knowledge :
What needs to be changed in the routing and/ or configuration so that the email shouldn't be moved automatically "in progress" queue?As I mentioned, the agent does not save or do anything specific to move or pull the email from "in progress" queue, he just press the reply button and mark done at the end.
Sorin Lionte
Orange Romania SA
Original Message:
Sent: 11-28-2020 10:44
From: Jorge Cornejo
Subject: Emails reporting
Well as you have the fields identified (By Workbin and time) you can easily exclude from any calculation you are doing.
InfoMart is showing you exactly what happened to the interaction...Worst thing would be to hide that info
Jorge Cornejo
E-Business Distribution Peru S.A.
Original Message:
Sent: 11-27-2020 09:45
From: Sorin Lionte
Subject: Emails reporting
Thanks for your reply. I don't have a problem that it is put into "in progress queue", my problem is that affects the reports of average handle time. In this case the Average handle time it is divided by 3 accepted instead of 2 accepted. The agent accepted only 2 (the 2 points listed above). The Average handle time it is calculated as (30+11+0)/3 = 13.66 when in reality the agent had only 2 actions thus the actual AHT is (30+11)/2 = 20.5
Any suggestion how can I resolve this issue?
Also, isn't strange that the action of acceptance from the "in progress queue" happens in the exact time when the 2nd green line (the outbound reply) has ended?
Sorin Lionte
Orange Romania SA
Original Message:
Sent: 11-27-2020 07:23
From: Jorge Cornejo
Subject: Emails reporting
Actually it does put in the workbin, only not manually. WDE puts it in there based on WDE options to store temporarily the Interaction and be able to reply to it.
Jorge Cornejo
Individual Only Contact Account
Original Message:
Sent: 11-26-2020 07:15
From: Sorin Lionte
Subject: Emails reporting
Hello dear community,
We observed some possible issues with the reporting from info mart for the following scenario:
Agent receive an email. He accept the email. After reading the email, the agent press the "Reply" Button.
Agent write the text to the customer and press send when done.
In the attachment we extracted the figures populated by infomart reports: Interaction_Flow_Report. In the attachment you can see the report.
The 2 green lines can be mapped to agent actions. The first action of receiving the email and reading it for 30 sec. The second green is the time spent to write a reply to the customer for 11 sec. In seems that an additional line is populated with duration 0 (the yellow line) on exactly the same timestamp when the previous green line stops (13:01:20). This line can't be tracked back and mapped with an agent action in WDE. That line shows that the agent pull (accept) the email from an workbin (iws-in-progress-workbin). However, as explained in the scenario above, the agent doesn't place the email in an working prior to hitting the "reply button" and then pull the email from his work bin.
We compared the validated multimedia flows for info mart for the same business scenarios and there, the yellow line it is not present. We suspect that this action is performed somehow automatically and quickly by the routing strategy without agent knowledge thus, the duration 0.
Can you please guide us how to identify who is generating the "yellow line" and how we can stop this behavior in our email routing strategy?
This behavior impact the agent performance reports as they shows one more "Accepted" than actual situation with a duration of 0 seconds.
Sorin Lionte
Orange Romania SA