Hi Diego,
Migrating the Framework from 8.1 to later 8.5 versions may have several implications, especially depending on your installation. Typically, I would assume you are going from a single-tenant deployment (where you had Resources as your Tenant) to a multi-tenant deployment (where you have, by default, the Environment tenant), which requires some special procedures to make it work, including the conversion of Config DB from Single-Tenant format to Multi-Tenant format, as described in the documentation website:
The problem's resolution could be as simple as adding the correct Tenant to your T-Server, Stat Server and URS applications, or it could be much more complex, which means that a deeper log analysis would be required.
Since you are experiencing problems with Call Routing, which is something critical, I would highly encourage you to open a Support Ticket with Genesys Care and provide all relevant information to allow them to help you with this migration process.
Rafael Marciano
Original Message:
Sent: 07-19-2021 14:44
From: Diego Mino
Subject: Problem Routing Framework 8.5 T-server Alcatel
I am trying to change the framework from 8.1 to 8.5.
But the components of Tserver-alcatel URS, Stat Server and URS I leave them in the same version 8.1.
The strange thing is that when the call reaches the target it cannot see any available agent.
it's like there are no agents in ready.
I do not know if it is something that is missing from the configuration of the Tenant Environment.
The agent is logged in, I see him logged in at ccpulse, the agent can make outgoing calls, receive internal calls or when I route the call directly to the queue.
But using the target to route to the agent group you always see it not-ready.

Tks for youre Help
Diego Mino
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Diego Mino
Cibercall USA Corp