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Issues with Customer Callbacks

A Contributor

A Contributor08-25-2017 12:25

  • 1.  Issues with Customer Callbacks

    Posted 08-09-2017 13:44

    We are experiencing issues with callbacks, or maybe it's the way we are understanding them.


    It was my understanding that a callback would allow a customer to receive a callback, and not lose their place in the queue.


    We have our telephony hours set up 10am-5pm (EST). However, we have agents in assisting emails 9am-6pm (EST). In the 9-10a hour and 5-6p hour, they are receiving callbacks from the previous day, and earlier in the day. Some have already been assisted because the customer has called back themselves before the callback prompts the agent to callback, so it doesn't seem that the customer is "keeping their place in queue". We are receiving some in the 9-10a hours and they are calls from the previous day, some happening to be west coast customers, where it is TOO early to call back, for normal business times.


    Is there something we maybe should check our settings for? Or something we are missing with how callbacks work?

  • 2.  RE: Issues with Customer Callbacks

    Posted 08-10-2017 13:22

    I got the same feedback from our agents that not all callbacks keep their place in queue. I think it would be easier if you had a customer you are sure that did not keep their place in queue and it would be easier to track if it was correct or not.

  • 3.  RE: Issues with Customer Callbacks

    Posted 08-23-2017 15:15

    @Stefano Pucci?  Here is a description of issues we are having with Callbacks.... Any insight would be helpful!




  • 4.  RE: Issues with Customer Callbacks

    Posted 08-24-2017 08:37

    Hi Emily,


    to reduce callbacks from previous day, you can reduce the time range to offer callbacks(i.e.11am-4pm), so you can satisfy all daily callbacks.

    Talking about "it doesn't seem that the customer is "keeping their place in queue"", do you have different priorities between queues where you are offering callbacks?


    Let me know




  • 5.  RE: Issues with Customer Callbacks

    Posted 08-24-2017 12:21

    @Stefano Pucci?  I'm not sure what you mean by reduce the time range to offer callbacks. Where is this option?

    We have three different phone queues, all set up the same...


    Our telephony schedule is set up 10a-5p (EST) and we are even receiving callbacks between the 9-10am hour when the phones shouldn't even be on....


    Did some testing last week, and it seems we are getting callbacks almost 24hours, if not longer from the original time the customer called. When we set up callbacks, we were under the impression that it would alert a CSR once someone because available, and it would call them back much more promptly.




  • 6.  RE: Issues with Customer Callbacks

    Posted 08-24-2017 12:39

    Your schedule is 10am to 5pm(EST), but in your In Queue Call Flow you can define through "DECISION" and using the expression editor something like this :


    if(Hour(Flow.StartDateTimeUtc)-4 > 9) or if(Hour(Flow.StartDateTimeUtc)-4 < 16)


    On TRUE , you have to add "CREATE CALLBACK"

    On FALSE , add "Music On Hold" or "Play Prompt"


    just to reduce the number of callbacks and you should be able to recall all daily callbacks within the business hours.


    or also , in order to reduce number of callbacks,you can offer callbacks only if "ESTIMATED WAIT TIME" > 180 seconds or after 180 seconds wating in queue, for instance.


    Do you have any triggers when you offer a callback?


    Let me know



  • 7.  RE: Issues with Customer Callbacks

    Posted 08-24-2017 13:03

    I have attached a screen shot of what our in queue call flow looked like:


    Callback-in queue call flow


    None of this was explained to us at the time we set up.

    I will have to dig further into this feature.



  • 8.  RE: Issues with Customer Callbacks

    Posted 08-24-2017 13:15

    Hi Emily,


    I've seen that you are offering callbacks after 3 minutes in queue and could be ok.

    So probably you have a lot of callback requests but not too much agents available to satisfy these callbacks during the day, so you find old callback request the day after?


    I suggest to reduce callback offer as I wrote you above(based on triggers like hours/estimated wait time), in order to reduce callback requests


    Can you tell me how is configured "UTILIZATION" section, under "Contact Center"?


    Tell me if I can help you.





  • 9.  RE: Issues with Customer Callbacks

    Posted 08-24-2017 13:25

    I'll look into triggers... We certainly do have busy times, but then down time, so we were not understanding why the callbacks were not coming through when we didn't have any calls in queue.


    Here is a screen shot of Utilization:



    As of yesterday, this is how our in queue flow is set up as we had a lot of upset customers with the callback feature.

    Est wait time- in queue call flow- 8.23


    Thanks for helping me with this. I was at a loss.



  • 10.  RE: Issues with Customer Callbacks

    Posted 08-25-2017 12:25

    Have you reported this issue to support?

  • 11.  RE: Issues with Customer Callbacks

    Posted 08-25-2017 13:51

    You might set Utilization to allow Callbacks to interrupt. That way, agents can receive the Callbacks while working on an email. The way you have it set up now, they can get inbound ACD calls and chats, but not callbacks, while connected to an email.

  • 12.  RE: Issues with Customer Callbacks

    Posted 08-25-2017 13:57

    Good point George!

    I agree, for the same reason I asked to her how Utilization was configured!


  • 13.  RE: Issues with Customer Callbacks

    Posted 08-25-2017 13:58

    Also, if they place personal calls, intercom calls, or outbound calls, that will prevent them from receiving any ACD interactions while on those calls with your current settings.

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