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  • 1.  is there count active calls function.

    Posted 07-27-2017 06:33



    Is there a way to configure disconnect or external transfer after play an announce when we get too much calls?


    I use counted-calls function in vector when I use AVAYA.

    I was looking for that kind of function in Expression Help but I was not able to find it until now...



  • 2.  RE: is there count active calls function.

    Posted 07-27-2017 07:00



    in Architect , you can add under your In-Queue Call Flow, a check "Position in Queue".

    If the position > 6 , for instance, you can also add a Disconnect or a Transfer to ACD or you can also offer a CALLBACK.

  • 3.  RE: is there count active calls function.

    Posted 07-28-2017 00:22

    Thank you @Stefano Pucci  .

    I did not know this variable! It is best solution for a lot of scenario.


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