Hi Scott - these are great questions. Let me take a shot - feel free to respond to keep the dialogue going. We love customer feedback.
Let's talk REPORTS first:
1) Do we only have the pre-built reports?
Yes, today we offer pre built reports with PureCloud contact center licenses. For customers who need more flexibility,
TODAY we refer customers to partners like eMite ( https://emite.com/inin/) , PureInsights (https://www.mypureinsights.com/) for custom full-support solutions, or the Analytics API (as George refers to above) and other open source projects that serve similar or complimentary purposes (conversation data exporter: https://github.com/rjsmith64/py-purecloud-participant-data, pure cloud stats dispatcher: https://bitbucket.org/eccemea/purecloud-stats-dispatcher/overview)
FUTURE as part of the current and ongoing project to convert existing views into more flexible reports replacements, we are on a path to add filtering, additional statistics, the ability to save and share filters, and column selection and ordering. This will allow you to for example, go to the Queues Performance view, set date, media type, skill, and statistics filters, and add/remove and order the stats you want, and then export it into a CSV or pdf format. You'll start seeing pieces of this starting to roll out starting this summer (starting with export). We are definitely moving toward a more flexible, configurable reporting environment.
2) Do we not have the ability to customize our own reports?
See above!
3) The Log In report doesn't just show Logged In and Logged Out
I think you're referring to the User Status Detail reports, right? https://help.mypurecloud.com/articles/user-status-detail-report/
What you'll see is the agent going from Offline to their logged in status, which defaults to Available. You'll see the same thing at the end of the day - when I Log Out, I go Offline.
An agent, of course can log in/our or go on/offline multiple times during the day for a variety of reasons, including shutting down her computer. I assume you're trying to get at - when did Rebecca arrive at the start of her shift, and when did she leave at the end of her shift, for compliance purposes, is that right?
Can you look at the first switch out of offline at the start of the shift, and then going offline at the end of the shift?
4) Reports are pulled on 30 minute intervals, can we change this to 15?
We don't have immediate plans to add additional intervals, but I've added your request to my list of customer requests.
5) Is there a way to select a group of people versus typing them in one at a time when setting up an automated report?
You are not the first person to request this. Multiselect is definitely on our list for when agent filters are added to the Agents views (currently in requirements gathering right now). It's in the backlog for Reports but there hasn't been a date assigned to it yet.
Rebecca Gibson, Sr Product Manager – Contact Center, rebecca.gibson@genesys.com