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  • 1.  Why has the export activities from schedules changed to UTC time ONLY?

    Posted 02-15-2018 19:24

    Recently, I have found that when exporting Activity/Schedule forcast etc from the Select Action> Export facility within a


    schedule ALL times and dates are UTC.


    This really is backwards, where as they used to (A few weeks ago max) used to be based on the time zone in your management unit.


    This is terrible for us as we use these reports to dump into excel and run our financial reporting for the cost of agents. As it is now in UTC only (With the cell combined with date and time) it makes it impossible to get accurate reporting as agents that are working two different days are put into the same day in some cases.


    The answer I got when I submitted a ticket about this (As I thought it was a mistake was);


    There appears to have been a product decision to change this so the export function was consistent with all other views which could be exported, which is currently exporting in UTC format.

    I have advised your concerns to development and they are looking into options currently.









  • 2.  RE: Why has the export activities from schedules changed to UTC time ONLY?

    Posted 02-16-2018 12:05

    Hi Lawrence.


    I'm the team lead for Workforce Management and the one who responded to your support ticket yesterday. We made this change for the reason you mention. I am considering adding the columns back in the Management Unit time zone, as well as keeping the UTC columns there for those who want them. I can see how both would be valuable to have, and I apologize for messing with your reporting.


    In the meantime, could you convert the UTC start/end values into whatever format your report requires? I've attached a sample schedule activity export with the columns added for EST (5 hours behind).


    If you are in a different time zone you'll need to change the last part of the formula to add/subtract time based on the offset you are in. So if you were in Kingston Australia, which is GMT+11, you'd have "+TIMEVALUE("11:00")" instead of "-TIMEVALUE("5:00")".

  • 3.  RE: Why has the export activities from schedules changed to UTC time ONLY?

    Posted 02-16-2018 14:56

    Update - we are going to add the columns back for you. I'll update you here when it's live.

  • 4.  RE: Why has the export activities from schedules changed to UTC time ONLY?

    Posted 02-18-2018 18:53

    Hey Joe,


    Thanks for getting back to me on this, I appreciate the change and the reasons behind it, and even more so can appreciate you adding the columns back in.


    When doing the timevalue this looks like it gets the correct time, but doesn't effect the date.


    Looking forward to having the management unit time back in !

  • 5.  RE: Why has the export activities from schedules changed to UTC time ONLY?

    Posted 02-27-2018 18:10

    Hey, any update as to when this would be back ?

  • 6.  RE: Why has the export activities from schedules changed to UTC time ONLY?

    Posted 02-27-2018 18:31

    Sometime this week. It's done, I'm just running through a bunch of tests to make sure we don't break anything else. I'll update here when it's live.

  • 7.  RE: Why has the export activities from schedules changed to UTC time ONLY?

    Posted 03-08-2018 21:32

    You should now see one additional column in the export CSV for the selected time zone for each existing datetime columns. The format has also been relaxed. E.g., 'Start' column with one cell value "2018-02-26T13:30:00.000Z" and a 'Start (New_York)' column with one cell value of "2/26/2018 8:30:00 AM"

    Joe Behymer
    Genesys - Employees

  • 8.  RE: Why has the export activities from schedules changed to UTC time ONLY?

    Posted 03-01-2018 19:02

    Hi @Lawrence Drayton? ,


    You should be able to export in your management unit time now. You'll notice we now have both columns in the export, one in ISO UTC, another in a readable format in the time zone you have selected to view the schedule in (which defaults to management unit time).


    Please let me know if you find any issues with this.

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