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The address on this Location has not been verified. - How can I verify a location's address?

  • 1.  The address on this Location has not been verified. - How can I verify a location's address?

    Posted 05-23-2019 16:56

    I have an address that I've confirmed for one of my international users in Bangalore India. I've created the Location without error, and when I try to use that Location in a Site, I receive the following error:

    "The address on this Location has not been verified."

    How can I verify this Location's address since it keeps coming up as unverified when creating the Site?

    Thanks in advance!


    Monica Michaud
    Koch Business Solutions

  • 2.  RE: The address on this Location has not been verified. - How can I verify a location's address?

    Posted 05-23-2019 17:13
    When you enter the address on a Location it should try to autocomplete with what PureCloud thinks is a valid address as you type. You have to try various addresses--it can be hit-or-miss to find one that will verify properly.

    Make sure it says "Verified" next to Address after you click Save for the Location.

    George Ganahl CCXP, GCP
    Principal Technology Consultant

  • 3.  RE: The address on this Location has not been verified. - How can I verify a location's address?

    Posted 05-24-2019 15:41

    Thank you George! I was able to meet today with the user in India to try and find similar addresses or other places including a prominent landmark nearby to no avail. We've tried approximately 10 different options, and none are verifying like you described above. 

    We have followed the following articles as well:

    I'm not familiar with how the validation process happens, but is there a way to submit a known address to the list of verified addresses? Or perhaps a specific format to follow for the address if it is international?

    Monica Michaud
    Koch Business Solutions

  • 4.  RE: The address on this Location has not been verified. - How can I verify a location's address?

    Posted 05-28-2019 08:41
    Can you send me a PM with the address, and I can play with it a bit?

    I have found that sometimes the parts of the address have to go in different fields to work.

    That said, you might have to open a support case to get the address format added...I don't know what they use as a source to verify addresses.

    George Ganahl CCXP, GCP
    Principal Technology Consultant

  • 5.  RE: The address on this Location has not been verified. - How can I verify a location's address?

    Posted 05-28-2019 12:11
    Yes! I sent that address your way George. Thank you for taking a look at that! Please let me know if you are able to find a way of entering the address that works. If it is not working I'll plan to submit a support case.

    Monica Michaud
    Koch Business Solutions

  • 6.  RE: The address on this Location has not been verified. - How can I verify a location's address?

    Posted 05-28-2019 12:46
    The dev side asked that you open a Support ticket so they can look into why it is not verifying, and force verify it if need be.

    George Ganahl CCXP, GCP
    Principal Technology Consultant

  • 7.  RE: The address on this Location has not been verified. - How can I verify a location's address?

    Posted 05-28-2019 13:06
    Thank you George! I will work on opening a support ticket for this.

    Monica Michaud
    Koch Business Solutions

  • 8.  RE: The address on this Location has not been verified. - How can I verify a location's address?

    Posted 09-16-2020 05:30

    Good day George, This issue is consistent it seems for the EMEA region.

    We cannot get most Addresses in Africa Verified. Can anyone help with this? Or will this be fixed?

    Dewald Smit
    Bytes Systems Integration, a Division of Altron (TMT)

  • 9.  RE: The address on this Location has not been verified. - How can I verify a location's address?

    Posted 09-16-2020 18:42
    Work with the addresses in to try and find the right entries needed for the address. Otherwise, the only recourse is to open a case with Care and have them force it to verify.

    George Ganahl GCP (Genesys Cloud), ICCE
    Principal Technology Consultant

  • 10.  RE: The address on this Location has not been verified. - How can I verify a location's address?

    Posted 12-01-2023 10:06

    Hello, I know that I'm replying to old thread, but want to share some insights from our side.

    We are based in Serbia and I was configuring location. I was picking it from the available list, and pick address listed : Bulevar Zorana Đinđića (look at the Print Screen) but that location, even when it was listed in Genesys Cloud is not verified. {Yes, I opened the ticket with customer care, but beside advice to delete and create location again, nothing else they respond}

    Location not verified
    Than, I get an idea. Who is the most famous Serbian in the world now? World class, the GOAT.
    Novak Đoković

    and this is how it is written in Serbian Latin. But when he is playing in the tournaments, his name is written as Novak Djokovic. (Dj represents Đ, and instead of ć, just c)

    And that gave me an idea.

    Even that address Bulevar Zorana Đinđića is picked from the offered list, as you may see in illustration or in the video it was not verified. I used analogy and set address as Bulevar Zorana Djindjica 64 and boooom it is verified!

    Location address verified

    For some reason, Genesys Cloud CX, even in the situation when the address is listed, do not accept non-English characters for this. Look at the print screen.

    Maybe this may help some of the partners that have non-English letters in address even when it's picked from the list and they can't get it verified. This is just my experience, because customer care never provided which process is used for verification.

    Regards from Belgrade

    Раско Радојевић
    Rasko Radojevic

  • 11.  RE: The address on this Location has not been verified. - How can I verify a location's address?

    Posted 12-04-2023 02:47

    Hi Rasko,

    I had this problems 3 times. Please read this article: Address verification overview - Genesys Cloud Resource Center (

    If it does not work, contact Genesys Voice Support (not via ticket but via e-mail): Genesys Cloud Voice support - Genesys Cloud Resource Center (

    Best regards

    Christoph Domaschke

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