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  • 1.  Telling the Genesys Cloud Story

    Posted 10-28-2020 22:01
    Edited by Mark Stanley 10-31-2020 12:46
    A customer we are currently working with introduced us to a key stakeholder representing multiple lines of business, and she has no idea of what Genesys is. In describing Genesys Cloud to her, it occurred to me that what we offer is very much like a Swiss Army Knife. It can do many things. We focus on one blade, but the tool also has an awl, scissors, a can opener, and a wine cork. Many of those tools would be interesting to the client, but they don't have visibility to the fact that they exist. In this case, we are simply replacing an existing bare-bones system, and lacking awareness of all the other tools, the customer thinks they need to find another point solution for workforce management, call recording, and so on. 

    It seems like we could really use a marketing tool that shows Genesys Cloud just like the Swiss Army Knife. Make it interactive and compelling, and let the customer see the whole stack as one. Let them explore the various components. Stress the integration of channels and supporting functions. But create something that shows the entire platform in a way that a business user would understand it. Just like a Swiss Army Knife.

    Mark Stanley, PMP
    Experience Designer
    Genesys - Employees

  • 2.  RE: Telling the Genesys Cloud Story

    Posted 10-29-2020 06:26
    I think this could be good. You could even extend this into more a camping.... or survive and thrive in the wild. What are the tools that you want to bring. The more you bring with you the more you are going to be weighed down and the slower you will go if at all. I was having a conversation yesterday about technology. As we know you can cobble virtually anything together to say, "YES" and get to a specific destination but you can end up with a very brittle solution that is nearly impossible to change. As I've been spending time talking with others about change it has become increasingly clear that, "It's about the journey - not the destination" and you need to have this as part of your mindset and ensure that the tools, both technical and processes, help support this idea. 

    I'm looking forward to seeing the presentation.

    Don Huovinen
    Genesys - Employees

  • 3.  RE: Telling the Genesys Cloud Story

    Posted 10-30-2020 10:21
    Imagine all the things "Inspector Gadget" or "MacGyver" could do, if only they had the right tool!

    Mark Stanley, PMP
    Experience Designer
    Genesys - Employees

  • 4.  RE: Telling the Genesys Cloud Story

    Posted 11-03-2020 14:45
    Are you looking for something more than the Self-Guided Tour at ?

    Perhaps the GDemo environment available to internals and partners to demo the platform? It has all the bells and whistles.

    Partners should be able to find more info in the Partner Portal. Internals on the intranet.

    George Ganahl GCP (Genesys Cloud), ICCE
    Principal PS Consultant

  • 5.  RE: Telling the Genesys Cloud Story

    Posted 11-03-2020 02:43
    Edited by Jeff Hoogkamer 11-03-2020 02:43
    The way I see telling the Genesys Cloud story, is that GC is the new kid on the block, it's all up with the latest digital and social technology along with a new way of doing things. Everything is done online now by the younger generation, keeping up with the latest trends and technology.

    But that doesn't necessarily mean the older PureConnect or Genesys Engage platforms aren't relevant, they are the wise elders  that were used to doing things the old fashioned way. They may still like having things in their physical control and take the old adage 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'.

    The younger GC might be better at all the new 'fancy' things, the wiser PC and GE platforms still have a trick or two up it's sleeve that the new kid hasn't quite mastered yet :)

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