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  • 1.  Phantom Alert Notifications

    Posted 02-15-2022 13:15
    Has anyone else had issues with phantom alerts.  I have had a ticket open since November because we are getting phantom alerts that have no interaction that caused the alert. For example when we are closed and no queue is available.  I have a rule of "Queue Member Services: Maximum wait time (Voice)>2m 0s.  There are no calls interactions at 1-3AM but I am getting email alerts waking me up saying we have calls waiting in the queue.  Genesys development has not been able to determine this issue.

    We have several departments that want to use the alerts but it is currently not reliable.  Any thoughts?   I have also sat and monitored queue performance activity and am not getting alerts when I should or get them when there are no calls waiting.  This is all via the Genesys Application and I get the same results when only logged in to Genesys through the Chrome Browser.

    Thanks in advance.. if you haven't tested you Alerts, you may want to.


    Wendy Sachen
    Armed Forces Insurance (AFI)

  • 2.  RE: Phantom Alert Notifications

    Posted 02-16-2022 15:18
    Hi Wendy, I'm sorry you're experiencing this; we've identified some significant latency in alerts being triggered and actually firing. What this means is that while an alert threshold may have been met or exceeded, the actual alert didn't fire immediately as expected. We're working on improving this now and will also be monitoring to try to avoid this in the future.


    Maisey Harris
    Senior Development Group Manager, Analytics UI & Reporting

  • 3.  RE: Phantom Alert Notifications

    Posted 02-18-2022 11:12
    Thanks Maisey.  Good to hear the issues have been identified.  Just to confirm are you seeing instances where they are firing 8-12 hours later than when the threshold was exceeded?  And you don't know how happy I am to see this, it is the first bit of information I have gotten that even indicated that someone was looking into this and I have had the ticket open with our external support team for a long time.  So THANK YOU!

    Wendy Sachen
    Armed Forces Insurance (AFI)

  • 4.  RE: Phantom Alert Notifications

    Posted 02-18-2022 14:37
    Hi Wendy,

    Yes we definitely saw some cases of exceptionally high latency on the order of what you were seeing. I'm sorry that your issue was ignored. This post was the first I had heard of any concerns. Could you please send me your case ID privately? I'd like to understand what happened so we can do better.


    Maisey Harris
    Senior Development Group Manager, Analytics UI & Reporting

  • 5.  RE: Phantom Alert Notifications

    Posted 02-16-2022 19:29
    I did a session on this in our Community Q&A video that comes out this week, but it does not address the slowdowns described by, when it comes out you can take what I say with a grain of salt. It is more of an overview of how the alerts work, and other ways you can experience getting an alert at an unexpected time.

    George Ganahl GCP (Genesys Cloud), ICCE
    Principal PS Consultant

  • 6.  RE: Phantom Alert Notifications

    Posted 02-18-2022 11:15
    Hi George -- If you wouldn't mind adding the link to this thread when it is released.  I always appreciate the additional information and look forward to the "other ways you can experience getting an alert at an unexpected time." part.   ;)  

    Wendy Sachen
    Armed Forces Insurance (AFI)

  • 7.  RE: Phantom Alert Notifications

    Posted 06-30-2022 23:28
    Hi George,

    Could you share the latest situation regarding this Phantom Alert Notifications?
    One of my customer is also experiencing this issue since March 2022.

    I also opened a case to Genesys, but they said this issue is due to the customer network latency.
    I am glad other customer has also been experiencing this issue...

    Thank you,

    Tetsuro Fujisawa

  • 8.  RE: Phantom Alert Notifications

    Posted 11-28-2023 23:41

    I know this thread is a bit older, but just in case anyone else runs into this issue my org recently ran into this problem as well. The offending Alert Rule was a Conversion Metric Rule for time that calls were waiting in queue (Voice Single Conversation Total Wait for Queue Name > 60s). We were consistently getting phantom alert notifications almost to the minute, just over 3 hours after our closing time each day. There were never any calls in queue that would have triggered the Alert. We had this happen 8 days in a row at almost exactly the same time. I did not submit this as a ticket, but I did end up resolving the problem by copying the Alert Rule, deleting the original Rule, and activating the Copy.  This stopped the recurrence of the phantom alerts. I never determined why this was happening, only that it seemed to have something to do with the specific Alert Rule itself. We have the exact same Alert set up for many other voice queues and none of those other Alert Rules exhibited this phantom alert behaviour.

    Steve Bugo
    Esri Canada

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