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Alert Notification No Agents On Queue

  • 1.  Alert Notification No Agents On Queue

    Posted 03-24-2021 11:54
    Is there a way to set an Alert notification when a queue does not have anyone "On Queue"? Example a queue that is 24/7, if no one is On Queue then alert goes out to supervisors.

    I have looked at the Queue variables with threshold metrics and do not see what is needed. Is it possible to create a custom Queue variable for "On Queue" and test that metric?

    Thank you.

    Mike Baldwin

  • 2.  RE: Alert Notification No Agents On Queue

    Posted 06-18-2021 22:54
    I am looking similar kind of solution , we are 24/7 and if no agent is logged-in to Queue , is there anyway to get notify supervisor using email or call or SMS ?
    Using data action I get the queue status , just thinking if we create policy or pre call rule to check always queue status.
    or always check the status of queue and if there is no-agent available into queue , run a outbound campaign, but not sure how it is going to work.

    Muhammad Zubair
    Alberta Health Services

  • 3.  RE: Alert Notification No Agents On Queue

    Posted 11-18-2022 04:06
    Hi Muhammad, 

    did you find a solution for this requirement, because our customer is looking for such a notification as well and probably there is a out of the box solution available right now?

    Tobias Junghans
    NTT Germany AG & Co. KG

  • 4.  RE: Alert Notification No Agents On Queue

    Posted 11-29-2022 16:33
    Edited by Blair Wilkinson 11-29-2022 16:35
    Hello Mike and Muhammad
    We have used data actions via inbound flow to check agent on-queue status and if no agents logged in or on-queue then use agentless sms to send alert to defined mobile number/s. Likely can also do this using agentless email but have not set this up as yet.
    Naturally this is an interaction based check in the flow and does not address periodic checking, however likely that could be done programmatically if you have Dev resources...

    Thanks and regards
    Blair Wilkinson
    CVT Global Enablement

  • 5.  RE: Alert Notification No Agents On Queue

    Posted 11-30-2022 04:02
    Thats an interesting idea, I had never thought of doing that, we use skills more than queues but I already have a data action that I use to get a count of agents idle with skill, so could work around that

    Andy Jackson
    Ten Lifestyle Management Limited

  • 6.  RE: Alert Notification No Agents On Queue

    Posted 12-02-2022 17:02
    This is a cool solution, that keeps everything "in-house", however it suffers from the drawback that the alert goes out based on an incoming interaction, not when the agent could drops to zero.

    This may, or may not, be an issue, but if you need Supervisors to be informed as soon as the issue arises, you have a problem.(Do you want that interaction waiting while the Supervisor takes the necessary remedial action?)

    One solution, that would also be "in-house" would be to do the check as a part of all incoming interactions (for all queues) even if the interaction in question doesn't need the queue (you could use a Common Module and insert it at the start of every flow). This would work as long as there is a steady flow of interactions to at least one flow.

    Alternatively, you could create a small webservice / app that monitors the agents on queue using the API and sends the necessary notifications (either using Genesys Cloud, or directly by a different channel.)


    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

  • 7.  RE: Alert Notification No Agents On Queue

    Posted 12-02-2022 17:28
    We use a solution in the middle here - instead of checking on every inbound queue in the whole platform, which may involve spurts of no call volume or super heavy volume and API limitations, we trigger a daily Workflow which runs an agent check against select queues once a minute via a wait condition in the Architect Workflow. Then to avoid maintaining supervisor cell numbers in a flow we use a data action to ping a Webhook that sends a message into a Slack channel. This also allows us to send an @ here or @ channel ping into the Slack channel where the actual reps are at, saving the supervisors from a game of relay.​​

    Brad Murlin
    Zillow, Inc.

  • 8.  RE: Alert Notification No Agents On Queue

    Posted 12-02-2022 02:32

    I have a data action that queries the number of agents on queue with skill.  There is a decision following it looking to see if the returned array of agent ID's is not set.  If set it does a Count(Flow.AgentID)>0, then it queries a data table where we have queue to cellphone number table.  We get the cell number and send an SMS outbound via Twillio.  Some supervisors would like us to setup an email instead.  It really should trigger an ops genie process or an outbound campaign to contact the on call or on duty manager, but we haven't gone there yet.  I'm more than happy to share the process with you directly if you like.

    We are 24/7 too and have some skills that don't have the best coverage as they are for older products.  We have all skills matching setup for these over night queues since we are a medical device company and require agents to be fully trained on the skill in order to support the specific product.  I'm also logging this data to partcipant data as well so we can graph it in PowerBI as it helps to shed light on the problem when needed.

    Ryan Cheesman
    Senior Manager, IT Integration Services
    Tandem Diabetes Care Inc. | positively different

  • 9.  RE: Alert Notification No Agents On Queue

    Posted 12-02-2022 03:20
    This is the way I am going to go, I have a data action thats the same as yours and on criteria met I am going to use agentless email to send the email out based on a data table

    Andy Jackson
    Ten Lifestyle Management Limited

  • 10.  RE: Alert Notification No Agents On Queue

    Posted 11-28-2022 10:21
    Thanks for the feedback. We currently do not have this capability within the alerting functionality, and we request that this be added as an idea in the Ideas Lab. We will evaluate this as part of future alerting enhancement requests.


    Nikhil Ponnam
    Principal Product Manager, Genesys Cloud CX

  • 11.  RE: Alert Notification No Agents On Queue

    Posted 11-29-2022 11:03
    I have discussed this in multiple user feedback groups. I just added it to the idea portal- please vote it up

    Cherri Lindquist
    Clinical Director of Nursing
    Company Nurse, LLC

  • 12.  RE: Alert Notification No Agents On Queue

    Posted 12-02-2022 02:38
    We need agents on queue as a normal metric that we can graph in the interactions workspace too.  I want to see it for each interaction so it can be averaged for each interval, but also seen on an individual interaction.  All it takes is for a couple agents to be out of anherance and you could end up with 0 agents during a break period, or first thing in the morning when the queue opens.  I like the idea, but would hope both of these could be addressed.  Also logging EWT calculations agaist actual wait time as a metric would be super as well.

    Ryan Cheesman
    Senior Manager, IT Integration Services
    Tandem Diabetes Care Inc. | positively different

  • 13.  RE: Alert Notification No Agents On Queue

    Posted 12-02-2022 11:20
    Thanks Ryan for the feedback. We'll add this use case to this idea -

    Nikhil Ponnam
    Principal Product Manager, Genesys Cloud CX

  • 14.  RE: Alert Notification No Agents On Queue

    Posted 11-29-2022 11:23
    Hi, setting up an alert for the queue maximum wait time might help as this will show you if anyone is actually available to answer the call.

    andrew lewis
    Health Management Ltd

  • 15.  RE: Alert Notification No Agents On Queue

    Posted 12-01-2022 11:10
    Just keep in mind that once the threshold is hit, it will not alert again since that is a Max for the day, basically. You have to reset the alert every time it triggers...

    George Ganahl GCP (Genesys Cloud)
    Principal PS Consultant

  • 16.  RE: Alert Notification No Agents On Queue

    Posted 12-02-2022 03:22
    Thanks George, i didn't realize that.

    andrew lewis
    Health Management Ltd

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