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Canned Responses

  • 1.  Canned Responses

    Posted 06-02-2020 02:21

    Over the weekend a change was made to the canned responses libraries.
    Our agents can only see 25 of our libraries when we have 38, prior to the change they could see all of them.
    The only way to find the other canned responses is to use the search field.
    Our agents would like to be able to view all of the libraries without having to search as we are worried we might miss a canned response if the incorrect key words aren't used.

    Surely we aren't the only ones with this many libraries? Does anyone know why this was changed? Can anyone suggest a better way to manage our libraries?

    Any help would be appreciated.


    Rebecca Smith
    AFSA (Australian Financial Security Authority)

  • 2.  RE: Canned Responses

    Posted 06-02-2020 02:54
    Hi Rebecca,

    I'm just chiming in to say that we also have more than 25 response libraries (more like a hundred) and we are stuck with the same problem. 

    This is very harmful to our productivity and we would like to know if this is an oversight that will be rectified or if we have to limit ourselves to 25 libraries from now on.

    We are very much looking forward to a solution to this problem.


    Lucas Pahlisch
    Publishing Factory SA

  • 3.  RE: Canned Responses

    Posted 06-02-2020 03:58
    I am not sure if this is intentional but the load more button was removed and now we cannot access our Support Library (#26)

    Paulo Mesquita
    Spark NZ Trading

  • 4.  RE: Canned Responses

    Posted 06-02-2020 04:04
    The biggest problem we have with canned responses at the moment is related to the new Font Style/Size.

    All the canned responses were created long time ago with the default font (Calibre, 11) and now is defaulting to Helvetica 12pt.

    So, we have to manually change fonts every time before sending a response to the customer.

    Paulo Mesquita
    Spark NZ Trading

  • 5.  RE: Canned Responses

    Posted 06-04-2020 03:08
    Hi, yeah, we have same problem - and the biggest issue with this is that we have same library for three countries and now it is visible only for two of them :-D I reported it to Customer care, but no response from them so far. I hope it will be fixed as bug, because searching doesn´t work either :-( 

    Barbora Malkovska
    IKEA Ceska Republika

  • 6.  RE: Canned Responses

    Posted 06-04-2020 18:42
    I have raised a case with customer care as well and they advised that their goal is to ultimately allow agents to view all available Canned Responses as expected. They are currently investigating and will get back to me shortly.
    I will keep you posted.

    Rebecca Smith
    AFSA (Australian Financial Security Authority)

  • 7.  RE: Canned Responses

    Posted 06-05-2020 11:50
    That's definitely a bug and not an intentional change. If all the folks have not already, please open a case for this issue.

    Lucie DeCristofaro
    Genesys - Employees

  • 8.  RE: Canned Responses

    Posted 06-08-2020 10:53
    I got a report today which I can reproduce that we are noticing very weird formatting issues that is totally messing up how chat messages are rendered to our customers on some responses we do. This is mainly for text content "pasted" into the chat message field, as well as content inserted via canned responses. 

    I'll open a case as well. 

    But can Genesys confirm something was indeed changed on your end, that might affect anything relating to the message content sent for chat messages recently?

    Joel Hellman

  • 9.  RE: Canned Responses

    Posted 06-09-2020 03:37
    Just replying to my own post here, but the issue we saw around formatting was due to a local change.

    The only issue we see on the platform in the canned responses that is recent, is that all formatting is now lost whenever a formatted canned response is inserted into the chat by an agent. We have escalated that to Genesys via our partner today.

    Joel Hellman

  • 10.  RE: Canned Responses

    Posted 06-09-2020 21:19
    Customer Care have advised that a bug fix is set to be released on 06/20/2020 EST

    Rebecca Smith
    AFSA (Australian Financial Security Authority)

  • 11.  RE: Canned Responses

    Posted 06-15-2020 19:10
    I can confirm that Genesys fixed this issue over the weekend

    Rebecca Smith
    AFSA (Australian Financial Security Authority)

  • 12.  RE: Canned Responses

    Posted 06-16-2020 03:00
    Thank you, we saw it, that´s great!

    Barbora Vackova
    IKEA Ceska Republika

  • 13.  RE: Canned Responses

    Posted 10-06-2022 06:31

    I can report that what Joel and Paulo reported on the formatting being 'lost'/over written when a canned response is added to the email reply is still an issue.

    Dewald Smit
    Altron Systems Integration a Division of Altron TMT (Pty) Ltd

  • 14.  RE: Canned Responses

    Posted 04-19-2024 03:05


    We still face this issue. We have created canned responses in MS Trebuchet, The canned response appears to be styled correctly, but when we put the canned response in the mail, it returns Helvetica.


    Thierry Lesneuck

  • 15.  RE: Canned Responses

    Posted 04-19-2024 03:26

    4 years later it's still not fixed. This is a big BUG that needs to be quashed.

    Dewald Smit
    Altron Systems Integration a Division of Altron TMT (Pty) Ltd

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