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  • 1.  Plugin architecture in IceLib

    Posted 01-08-2011 21:30
    Hi, I have a custom icelib application (based on Basic Client sample app) and I want to modify the architecture to become plugin-friendly. I am thinking of having some basic call-functionality in the main application, and move the directory lookup (and other functions) to plugins. I wonder if you have any thought on how to move forward on this. Should I have all the plugins run as different sessions, or pass the session from the main application over to the plugins. Do you see any issues with this architecture? I appreciate any comments. Regards Mari

  • 2.  RE: Plugin architecture in IceLib

    Posted 01-24-2011 17:46
    I have no idea on this, but maybe someone else will come along that does. I'd love to see what you come up with though. :)

  • 3.  RE: Plugin architecture in IceLib

    Posted 01-25-2011 08:28
    Ok, I see. Maybe this is not such a good idea then.. We will see. But in general, when structuring my code into several classes, I need to access the PeopleManager and other managers, so I need the Session. As for now I am defining a session in each class, but the only place I initiate it is in the base class. Whan calling other classes (ie forms for user settings), I pass on the session to this class. Another way of doing it would be having the Session defined as a global variabel. I am not that experienced, yet.. I appreciate any comments or advices :-)

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