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  • 1.  Advanced Lookup Control not behaving as expected

    Posted 05-15-2012 16:23
    Advanced Lookup Control not behaving as expected On the advanced lookup control we want to be able to only allow the agent to make 1 selection out of a list. No matter what I put in the Minimum & Maximum variables it allows the agent to select as many choices as they want ? even if I set both variables to ?0?.

  • 2.  RE: Advanced Lookup Control not behaving as expected

    Posted 05-18-2012 07:58
    Originally posted by TARDIS;25631
    Advanced Lookup Control not behaving as expected On the advanced lookup control we want to be able to only allow the agent to make 1 selection out of a list. No matter what I put in the Minimum & Maximum variables it allows the agent to select as many choices as they want ? even if I set both variables to ?0?.
    The rules surrounding min/max selected rows are only enforced when you click a button on the page that has ?validate page? enabled. Until the agent tries to move off the page they can select what they want. Upon page transistion the validation will run and tell the agent if they have tried to select too many etc. You may aslo need to apply the Advanced LookUp validation to the Advanced Look up Control. If you select the control in the script editor and click on the Validation button you should see the Advanced Lookup validation in the list. Double click on this option then in your advanced lookup wizard select Minimum 0 and Maximum 1 and then you should get the desired functionality. Hope that helps.

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