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  • 1.  Data Query - Interactions View vs IWRKGRPQUEUESTATS view discrepancy in total calls

    Posted 07-13-2016 23:51
    Hoping someone can help me understand how the call totals by workgroup are calculated in IWRKGRPQUEUESTATS, I have filtered for appropriate CHKEY items it matches the totals in the IC business manager tool for calls to specific call queues(workgroups). Because I need additional information for those calls such as which DNIS they came in on i have been looking at the interactions view table. But when I count incoming calls to a specific workgroup in the interactions view my total calls do not match, some days are over some days are under. I am wondering if anyone else has looked at this and has any information about why they might be different. Or alternatively any tips on getting DNIS by workgroup by day in a data table. IN IC business manager I can get DNIS but cant seem to break it down by workgroup.

  • 2.  RE: Data Query - Interactions View vs IWRKGRPQUEUESTATS view discrepancy in total calls

    Posted 07-14-2016 14:32
    One quick comment (not a complete answer)... The IWRKGRPQUEUESTATS table is for statistics grouped by time period for the queues. Those stats will not match the individual call details logged in the call details tables. Stats are very different from call details, especially counting calls on queues, since a call might enter a queue during one period, and get answered or disconnect during a different time period, or be transferred to another queue and thus shows as a separate call on two different queues for stats...lots of possibilities. To get exactly what you want, you may need to write a custom report to pull from the call details data, which is raw data rather than stats averaged over time.

  • 3.  RE: Data Query - Interactions View vs IWRKGRPQUEUESTATS view discrepancy in total calls

    Posted 07-18-2016 00:43
    Thank you George that is a really good explanation and I hadn't thought about the differences between what a STATS table might collect vs the detailed tables. Is there any further documentation that you know of that talks more about these types of differences? Yes I will be trying to use the raw data to create some reporting, getting DNIS against a workgroup seems harder than it should be however. At least I have an explanation for why the numbers may not match.

  • 4.  RE: Data Query - Interactions View vs IWRKGRPQUEUESTATS view discrepancy in total calls

    Posted 07-18-2016 16:04
    We have used DNIS Reporting by checking the "Generate DNIS reporting data" box in Server Configuration|Report Configuration. Doing so adds another level of hierarchy at cReportGroup. Everything that George mentioned still applies, however the cReportGroup adds the ability to separate stats by DNIS. This will also populate in the iAgentStats table.

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