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  • 1.  QueryScheduleCalls

    Posted 03-06-2018 17:22
    I am looking for information on this log message which i am seeing in the Dialer Log pulled from the CIC server. QueryScheduledCalls(): Scheduled Calls received. Skills:<-+None+-> Total received:<1>o It always pop's up after a Schedule Call has been queued, and I am trying to figured out what codes after Total Received means. I haven't had much look searching for it on Genesys Help pages, but if somebody could point me to the document that talks about this it would be very helpful. Thank you, Scott

  • 2.  RE: QueryScheduleCalls

    Posted 03-07-2018 01:52
    Can you post a an actually trace snip? are you asking about the o at the end? I haven't looked at Dialer logs for some time but I am unsure what the trace is but maybe a logsnip screenshot may be clearer

  • 3.  RE: QueryScheduleCalls

    Posted 03-07-2018 14:07
    Hi Ryan, Here is the log in more context. Sorry about being the vague, i am troubleshooting an issue with Schedule Callback that popped up after our upgrade. I see the schedule callback get re-queued by the dialer at the right time, but it never gets dialed. The only difference i am seeing from working examples pre-Upgrade to now is that log message. now has a <1>z instead of <0>. I am not sure if that means anything which is what i was trying to get an understanding of what it meant. I have a ticket open with support, but alot of time they simply tell you the issue and not how the discovered it, so in the interest of learning more i am trying to analyze the logs. I wish there was a good documentation of the log messages i could reference, but haven't had any luck. I have scrubbed the log of customer information. 15:31:11.882[3ffc]DialerContact::DialerContact(): Data for contact:<[<STATUS>:], <removed information of contact> 15:31:11.882[3ffc]DialerContact::SetContactColumnInfo(): Assigning contact column info:<[<6>:<HOMEPHONENUMBER>], [<8>:<ALTERNATEPHONENUMBER>], [<10>:<WORKPHONENUMBER>]> 15:31:11.882[3ffc]DialerContact::SetDialingOrder(): Scheduled phone number assigned for contact. Phone Number: <removed information> CCID: <6> Column Name: <HOMEPHONENUMBER> 15:31:11.882[3ffc]dialer::util::get_timezone_from_zone_id(): Converted zone name <Eastern> into timezone id <>: 15:31:11.882[3ffc]Campaign::AddContactToQueue(): Adding contact to cache. Identity:<769351079047662632> RowID:<> Zone:<Eastern> Contact Status: Contact Column:<HOMEPHONENUMBER> Attempts:<1> Abandoned Attempts:<0> RemoteHangUpAttempts:<0> SystemHangUpAttempts:<0> MachineAttempts:<0> SITCallableAttempts:<0> NoAnswerAttempts:<0> BusyAttempts:<0> FaxAttempts:<0> RescheduleAttempts:<0> 15:31:11.882[3ffc]Campaign::AddContactToQueue(): Contact added to the scheduled cache. Contact queue size:<1> 15:31:11.882[3ffc]QueryScheduledCalls(): Scheduled Calls received. Skills:<-+None+-> Total received:<1>z Thank you, Scott

  • 4.  RE: QueryScheduleCalls

    Posted 03-07-2018 19:52
    Looks like there is a bug with 2018 R1 Patch 5 and schedule callbacks. SCR is Dialer-12233. I am still curious about the different number and letter combinations that hang off the end of it.

  • 5.  RE: QueryScheduleCalls

    Posted 03-08-2018 14:34
    Originally posted by swilliams164;36828
    Looks like there is a bug with 2018 R1 Patch 5 and schedule callbacks. SCR is Dialer-12233. I am still curious about the different number and letter combinations that hang off the end of it.
    From a couple of folks in Dev: "I'm pretty sure those are just exact characters added by LogLion. If you open up the same log in ININ log view, I don't believe you'd see those. Either way they're not a problem" "Yeah, that's actually an extra character left over from the previous trace. If you line up the previous trace (from Verbose logging), you'll find that character in that same position. I'm not sure if this is a LogLion issue or a i3trace issue."

  • 6.  RE: QueryScheduleCalls

    Posted 03-08-2018 17:47
    Thanks George! Scott

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