Hi Ryan,
Here is the log in more context. Sorry about being the vague, i am troubleshooting an issue with Schedule Callback that popped up after our upgrade. I see the schedule callback get re-queued by the dialer at the right time, but it never gets dialed. The only difference i am seeing from working examples pre-Upgrade to now is that log message. now has a <1>z instead of <0>. I am not sure if that means anything which is what i was trying to get an understanding of what it meant. I have a ticket open with support, but alot of time they simply tell you the issue and not how the discovered it, so in the interest of learning more i am trying to analyze the logs. I wish there was a good documentation of the log messages i could reference, but haven't had any luck.
I have scrubbed the log of customer information.
15:31:11.882[3ffc]DialerContact::DialerContact(): Data for contact:<[<STATUS>:
], <removed information of contact>
15:31:11.882[3ffc]DialerContact::SetContactColumnInfo(): Assigning contact column info:<[<6>:<HOMEPHONENUMBER>], [<8>:<ALTERNATEPHONENUMBER>], [<10>:<WORKPHONENUMBER>]>
15:31:11.882[3ffc]DialerContact::SetDialingOrder(): Scheduled phone number assigned for contact. Phone Number: <removed information> CCID: <6> Column Name: <HOMEPHONENUMBER>
15:31:11.882[3ffc]dialer::util::get_timezone_from_zone_id(): Converted zone name <Eastern> into timezone id <>:
15:31:11.882[3ffc]Campaign::AddContactToQueue(): Adding contact to cache. Identity:<769351079047662632> RowID:<> Zone:<Eastern> Contact Status: Contact Column:<HOMEPHONENUMBER> Attempts:<1> Abandoned Attempts:<0> RemoteHangUpAttempts:<0> SystemHangUpAttempts:<0> MachineAttempts:<0> SITCallableAttempts:<0> NoAnswerAttempts:<0> BusyAttempts:<0> FaxAttempts:<0> RescheduleAttempts:<0>
15:31:11.882[3ffc]Campaign::AddContactToQueue(): Contact added to the scheduled cache. Contact queue size:<1>
15:31:11.882[3ffc]QueryScheduledCalls(): Scheduled Calls received. Skills:<-+None+-> Total received:<1>z
Thank you,