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  • 1.  String operations in Handlers

    Posted 02-01-2017 13:38
    Hi, I have to split the below string on '<message>' , so that I get 3 <message> parts, and then loop through each one of it to read the <name> and the <content>. What operation should I use to split the string based on a string (i.e'<message>' ). Once I have the parts, I am able to extract the required data. I tried to use ParseString toolstep, but that does not work out as expected. Please help! The string that needs to be broken..: <message> <name>Shilpa</name> <content>Text1</content> </message> <message> <name>Shilpa</name> <content>Text2</content> </message> <message> <name>Shilpa</name> <content>Text3</content> </message> Thanks, Shilpa

  • 2.  RE: String operations in Handlers

    Posted 02-01-2017 15:14
    You need to parse based on a character so i would use < Then count how many to the string you want. Then put that into a list form the parse sting and then use an assignment step to assign that value and use "Getat(liststuff, NUMBER)"

  • 3.  RE: String operations in Handlers

    Posted 02-05-2017 20:38
    Or you could use a regular expression to parse out the different components

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