Originally posted by GGanahl;34858
The only way to accurately find who is Activated in a workgroup is to look at the %Live~!~Data% key for the workgroup. You'll find that currently deactivated members will show there under "Active Members". So, if a member of the workgroup is not in that list, they are activated.
Yes, so I've learned through trial and error :/ Who on earth made the decision to call a key listing
deactivated agents "Activated"? [sobs]
For anyone coming along who is interested in the solution:
The registry key is
"\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Interactive Intelligence\EIC\Directory Services\Root\[company name]\Production\Workgroups\[workgroup name]\%Live~!~Data%".
"Directory Services Path"
The registry key, which excludes the ININ "root":
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Interactive Intelligence\EIC\Directory Services\Root"\[company name]\Production\Workgroups\[workgroup name]\%Live~!~Data%"
"Directory Services Attribute"
The registry key value, from which data will be extracted:
"Active Members"
"List of Attribute Values"
This is where the fetched values for the key will be stashed - ie, a list of the inactivated agents' usernames for that group.