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  • 1.  How to get Agent Workgroup Activation status?

    Posted 02-24-2017 18:47
    It is possible to activate/deactivate an agent for a workgroup (eg Workgroup Agent Activate ), but how does one get the current activation status of an agent for a workgroup? There is nothing obvious I can find, and the Directory Services route looks ugly as it goes into the Live Data registry entry...

  • 2.  RE: How to get Agent Workgroup Activation status?

    Posted 02-27-2017 16:20
    Only because this is the only method I am familiar with, I would query the UserWorkgroups database table for the user and workgroup where QueueFlag = 1. Like you've mentioned as well, I'm not seeing anything else that could get this information easily.

  • 3.  RE: How to get Agent Workgroup Activation status?

    Posted 02-27-2017 18:10
    The only way to accurately find who is Activated in a workgroup is to look at the %Live~!~Data% key for the workgroup. You'll find that currently deactivated members will show there under "Active Members". So, if a member of the workgroup is not in that list, they are activated.

  • 4.  RE: How to get Agent Workgroup Activation status?

    Posted 02-28-2017 16:45
    Originally posted by GGanahl;34858
    The only way to accurately find who is Activated in a workgroup is to look at the %Live~!~Data% key for the workgroup. You'll find that currently deactivated members will show there under "Active Members". So, if a member of the workgroup is not in that list, they are activated.
    Yes, so I've learned through trial and error :/ Who on earth made the decision to call a key listing deactivated agents "Activated"? [sobs] For anyone coming along who is interested in the solution: The registry key is "\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Interactive Intelligence\EIC\Directory Services\Root\[company name]\Production\Workgroups\[workgroup name]\%Live~!~Data%". "Directory Services Path" The registry key, which excludes the ININ "root": HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Interactive Intelligence\EIC\Directory Services\Root"\[company name]\Production\Workgroups\[workgroup name]\%Live~!~Data%" "Directory Services Attribute" The registry key value, from which data will be extracted: "Active Members" "List of Attribute Values" This is where the fetched values for the key will be stashed - ie, a list of the inactivated agents' usernames for that group.

  • 5.  RE: How to get Agent Workgroup Activation status?

    Posted 02-28-2017 16:46
    Originally posted by Seanatron;34857
    Only because this is the only method I am familiar with, I would query the UserWorkgroups database table for the user and workgroup where QueueFlag = 1. Like you've mentioned as well, I'm not seeing anything else that could get this information easily.
    Certainly one way to do it! I prefer not to go thru the pain of using the Handler DB tools if I can avoid it :P Plus hopefully using the DS tools will abstract away any DB changes that might come along in the future.

  • 6.  RE: How to get Agent Workgroup Activation status?

    Posted 02-28-2017 18:10
    In the Get Ds Attr for Directory Services Path I use "${Config}\\Workgroups\\" & sWorkgroup & "\\%Live~!~Data%\\" where sWorkgroup is set elsewhere based upon the workgroup I want to look at, and for Directory Services Attribute I use "Active Members" As to why Active Members really means Inactive Members....a developer set it up that way, and it can't be changed without breaking a lot of stuff in the field. :shrug:

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