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  • 1.  Workgroup DNIS inbound calls classification

    Posted 02-01-2018 23:34
    Hi all We have a Workgroup DNIS /4000. When customers call in, a voice comes up saying "please select following options: 0 for Customer Service, 1 for Engineering, 2 for Education, etc ... or On hold will transfer you to Customer Service" something likes that. Now I need to get the data for any calls that go to Customer Service ... apparently it is 0 or Onhold options above. Could anyone let me know where I can this filter (or indicator)? I have looked at calldetail_viw , INTERACTIONSUMMARY ... from database, but still couldn't find a clue. Many thanks all Frank

  • 2.  RE: Workgroup DNIS inbound calls classification

    Posted 02-02-2018 03:09
    There are a number of different approaches to this question... depending on exactly what question you are trying to answer. I'm going to assume that selecting option 0 or waiting sends the call to a workgroup queue of some sort (though it could transfer to another Attendant profile or do something else). If this path through the IVR ends up in a queue and you want to know how many calls came into the Customer Service queue within a specific time period (for example "last week"), I'd start with one of the queue reports in IC Business Manager. If you're looking for IVR counts (I'm making several more assumptions here - most importantly that IVR reporting is enabled on these nodes), you could run an IVR report for the time period... probably for Level 5. If you need to dig into the actual data stored in the SQL database, here's a link to the Reporting Data Dictionary: https://help.genesys.com/cic/datadictionary/2018r1/content/Landing.html

  • 3.  RE: Workgroup DNIS inbound calls classification

    Posted 02-06-2018 05:25
    Hi dcurrier Thank you very much for your information. I now get the total calls and made to the work group. Really appreciated your helped. Frank

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